Friday, October 19, 2012

Legal procedures required to defend false allegations of child abuse

Legal procedures required to defend false allegations of child abuse

Crime like ‘child abuse' is always considered as serious crime under US criminal law. It is a serious offense where a child has been abused physically, mentally or sexually by his or her parents or someone elder who is close to him or her. It is often seen that the abuse has been carried out by the suspect either purposely or out of negligence towards the child. Such cases are often carried out either in family law court or juvenile court.

However, it is often seen that the suspect who has been held for child abuse may not commit the crime in actual. The suspect has been falsely accused of such crime so that his or her reputation in the society gets hampered. In such situation, the suspect needs to be very careful.

How to defend yourself if you face such serious allegation?

Have you faced false accusation for abusing your child? If so, you need to be very careful about the legal steps you decide to take. Knowing about these effective measures can actually help you to prove your innocence. Otherwise, you may fall into a more complicated situation instead of getting out of it. Hence, if you face such accuse while going through other legal proceedings like divorce, you will be denied from getting custodial right for your child.

Stay calm in such situation:–

Hearing the accusation on one fine day, you may react adversely. Such reaction won't help you to save yourself. Instead, you may fall into more complex problems. To avoid such situations, it is better to stay calm. You can just claim that the accusation is false. Other than this, it is better not to take any drastic step. Instead, try to find out who the actual accuser is.

Be careful when you plan to visit your child after facing such accusation:–

Visit your child in the presence of another trustworthy individual. This individual should be reliable enough who will not pass any fake statement against you in front of the court. If you notice any bruises on your child's body, inform it to the Department of Family and Child Services. As the department to check out whether any other individual is responsible for the bruises or the child has received such injury while playing.

Take legal assistance for better guidance: –

Just by claiming that you have not committed the crime won't prove your innocence. Hence, you need to take legal assistance. Who can provide you such assistance?  An experienced criminal lawyer specialized in handling such cases is the most suitable person to do so. The appointed lawyer can explain you about the legal steps required in such case in details. In fact, he can even suggest you about the best time to file petition for claiming your innocence.

Hence, adopting such measures can help you to prove yourself innocent in front of the court.
Mark Hall is a freelance writer and his area of interest and expertise is criminal law. Mark has his own blogs and websites where he talks about criminal law and the different aspects of various criminal cases. In his recent articles, Mark has discussed about child abuse and has also mentioned how an experienced criminal save an innocent from facing false allegation of such crime. He will also explain the suspect about legal proceedings in details required to prove innocence.

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