Saturday, October 06, 2012

Child Protection Abduction Services: The Modern Mafia (Part 1)

Dr, Eric D. Keefer (Ravenaeus) explains a little bit about abuses of CPS, and may open your mind to another side of these "Services". This is Part 1 of a Dr. Eric D. Keefer's discussion on CPS, and his book that focuses on the subject. The book is called Child Protection Abduction Services: The Modern Mafia. You can find it on amazon free of charges or you can download it from a variety of websites online. If you or your loved ones have been affected by CPS you can email Dr. Keefer at any time and he would be glad to talk to you and answer any questions you might have.


  1. None of the links seemed to work LK, just so you know.

  2. they do on my end
