Thursday, October 18, 2012

Almost 50 children's bodies found in unmarked graveyard at Florida school

In an absolutely horrifying story, a forensics team has found that a secret graveyard hidden behind a Florida reform school could be home to nearly 50 unidentified bodies of past students. Now, families and former peers of the victims are speaking out to say the deaths were actually caused by abusive school administrators!


  1. OMG, HOW could this happen ? My heart is breaking, I am so lost for words....When will our children ever be safe....? Why has this taken so long to uncover.....?
    My heart truly goes out to the families of this horrific story.
    Those poor young souls, they never had a chance to live.
    Yet the ones that have done this still live on.God help all the innocent, they can not be heard, so let us all have a voice for them.

  2. Why didn't anyone come forward with all of this years ago???? A boy there witnessed another boy get shot. He didn't tell anyone?!?! He witnessed murder and if he did tell someone. Then why didn't the person he told tell the police and have them investigate the matter years and YEARS ago!!!!
