Saturday, September 08, 2012

CPS failing in effort to fix staffing shortfall as workers leave amid soaring caseloads

CPS failing in effort to fix staffing shortfall as workers leave amid soaring caseloads

Arizona's child welfare agency is falling further behind in its efforts to improve services as caseloads soar and more workers leave the struggling agency.

Note: Arizona operates under the take the child and run policy, because they think it's better to be safe than sorry and their CPS Agents couldn't tell the difference between child abuse and the hole in the ground.  

And that hole, btw, they dug themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    These people create shit storms destroy families,and when they can't clean up their own damn mess, they flee (like a thief in the night) and expect someone else to clean up the disgraceful and they have the audacity to profit the whole damn time... Lies,upon lies,upon lies,!!!
    Oh btw , my name is Gwendolyn A.. This is my real name
