Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Website exposing social workers condemned as 'vile'

Website exposing social workers condemned as 'vile'

A local authority is understood to be taking action over a website publishing the names and photographs of UK social workers alongside offensive material

This is the website in question.

Note: I have got to say something about this.  

As a blogger, activist, whatever you want to call me, I do have to be aware that there are certain rules that must be followed when publishing information on the internet as there are laws and rules in place that actually protect many of the frauds and criminals who I would love to publicly expose.  Whether or not I agree or disagree with these rules does not change the fact that they are in place and breaking them will get me shut down, sued, or worse.  So I have developed my own little system of best practice which keeps me out of trouble.  That system is to do what I have been doing.  

That said, it is a damn shame that people are prevented from speaking out against those who commit injustice against families and children.  I commend the websites creator for having the guts to make such a site.  However, this site apparently violates the rules as it is being perceived as a personal attack on social workers and others who destroy families, I mean protects children from abuse or neglect.     

1 comment:

  1. Personally speaking, I have no problem using the Wreckers name in my postings. Actually, when her name is searched, my blog is more than half the hits! My one rule, nothing but, the truth. I was contacted by a Supervisor at the beginning of the year. I threatened to contact the ACLU re: freedom of speech. He quickly changed the subject to the photos. ..." blah, blah, blah, confidentiality, blah, blah..." Since my little girl had been adopted last fall, I basically told him to go pound sand. I'll do what I want with my photos! He threw in some worthless threats about the state taking my foster license away... Big whoop di doo! It had been a year. I have no interest in dealing with them ever again in this life time! Never heard another word. Could care less! I say, it's the truth and my experiences. I will not be censored!
