Tuesday, April 03, 2012

SystemSuckology: Understanding Child Abuse Propaganda Month - Part 1: An Excuse For A Fundraiser

A Philosophical Perspective by LK.

April is known by the Child Protective Industry as National Child Abuse Prevention Month.  According to them, it's a month designated to raising awareness about the problem of child abuse, and educating the public on ways to prevent child abuse and promote strong healthy families.

This particular month also tends to be my busiest time of year.   My news-reader fills up with this crap.  In fact, I would guestimate a 150% increase in the number of pro-CPS articles over any other month, except November which is National Adoption month and a whole different sales pitch. 

In years past, I would skim through a few, delete most as to the uneducated mind, they seemed all the same and are enough to make you vomit.  Then a couple years ago I noticed a trend where they were using the wrong set of data as a symbolic visual representation of the number of  children who were abused or neglected, for example, the number of pinwheels planted in the ground equaling the number of calls to the child abuse hotline, which appears to trick the public into believing that the problem of child abuse is worse than it actually is, when in fact approximately85% of such cases remain unsubstantiated or do not even rise to the level wherean investigation is warranted

"Roper says last year alone, there were 64,000 calls made to SRS to report abuse and neglect, with little more than 10,000 coming from the Wichita and Sedgwick County area."  - http://www.ksn.com/news/local/story/Advocates-work-to-strengthen-families-during/8goUVMdNSEmFzp-5AZb1mg.cspx
This year, upon taking a closer look at these articles, collecting about 100 so far, and reading through the first 25 this morning, I came to realize that the System Sucks will base the number of pinwheels on practically anything.  In Tennessee, for example...

"Each pinwheel represents one of the 95,000 babies that will be born in Tennessee this year." -

And why pinwheels?

"Pinwheels are a symbol of a happy, carefree childhood and the belief that getting it right for kids early on is less costly than trying to fix problems after things have gone wrong. Doesn’t every child deserve this opportunity?" - http://www.pcat.org/child-abuse-prevention-month/april-is-child-abuse-prevention-month/

So I thought: The word symbol here is interesting to me.  If the blue pinwheel is supposed to represent child abuse awareness, then using visual that also represents a happy, carefree childhood is somewhat disturbing.   Then basing it on the number of babies being born in the state in hopes for a happy childhood for all, which would certainly put a lot of these agencies out of business, is a deception that must be stated.   Then again the actions and views of the system sucks have often proven to be concerning if not confusing.  But then as similar patterns began to emerge, I stumbled onto another interesting detail. 

"Community members can sponsor a pinwheel for $10. Donors can specify a program their donation will support or let the center choose the area of greatest need."  - http://www.ydr.com/local/ci_20307692/about-garden-pinwheels-planted-york-draw-attention-child

So I thought, hmm… There is a method behind the madness.  As there seems to be money involved.  This pattern emerged more and more.  The deeper I looked into it.  In fact, out of the 25 articles that I read, 13 of them specifically mentioned some fundraising activities.  The pinwheels are apparently going for between $1.00 and $10.00 dollars a piece, and all the proceeds go to some agency or nonprofit organization which deals with abused or neglected children.

Then I came to notice that these fundraising activities of these agencies didn't stop with selling pinwheels, and that many agencies are getting in on this interesting little funding stream.  One of the most well known, which seems to be very active in fundraising during this time of year is CASA, otherwise known as the Court Appointed Special Advocates.  In fact, the number of CASA related articles has jumped significantly over the last week, according to my newsreader, and they're coming up with a few creative ways of their own to cash in on Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Now before I forget, I should mention that the government is considering completely eliminating funding for CASA,  http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=6a45adb6fa71aca01f7c6bb20&id=d24294f386&e=f9d0250090  so how are they going to deal with it?

Advocates for child abuse victims raise awareness, funding in Longview - http://www.cbs19.tv/story/17304060/advocates-for-child-abuse-victims-raise-awareness-funding-in-longview

Ride raises $30K for child abuse prevention - ( which will be split with CASA and maybe even recruit a few more, mind you) - “We need volunteers to go through our screening and training process to become a CASA. We also need community members to help with fundraising events and to spread the word about CASA. In addition, we welcome opportunities to speak to business and civic organizations about CASA and the children we serve. - http://www.kdhnews.com/news/story.aspx?s=65314

And you can even dine out in support of CASA, where a portion of your bill will be donated to CASA.   Dine Out in April in Support of Child Abuse Prevention Month - http://www.casappr.org/news/dine-out-in-april-in-support-of-child-abuse-prevention-month/

Of course, it wouldn't be fair to pick on CASA alone as the soul agency using Child Abuse Propaganda month as an excuse to hold a fundraiser.  Nor is there any lack of creativity or work put into such fundraisers, I mean awareness campaigns, as it appears that practically any agency that deals works with CPS is able to cash in.  And a few of these events are quite sophisticated in their organization.

For example, in Ocala Florida, there is a - Race Against Child Abuse set for April 14 - with a $25 dollar entry fee http://www.ocala.com/article/20120331/ARTICLES/120339951

In West Virginia, there is going to be a walk-a-thon against child abuse, which last year raised $14,000, and is expanding to include more events this year.  "This year’s walk-a-thon event has been expanded to include a 5-kilometer run and a bike-a-thon for children, starting at Hancock’s Widmeyer Park on April 28. The event’s proceeds will benefit Safe Place, at 24 N. Walnut St. in Hagerstown, and Safe Haven, a child advocacy center in Morgan County, W.Va". -  http://www.herald-mail.com/news/hm-blue-ribbon-event-designed-to-raise-awareness-of-child-abuse-20120401,0,2012487.story

So as you can see, those of you who are out there crying about Medicaid fraud and Title IV funding, we have an interesting little funding stream which has gotten far too little attention.  How much do they rake in?  We many never know as a whole, but I'm sure it's way up there and all of this money is made under the guise of Raising Awareness About Child Abuse.

To conclude this little escalade, I earlier mentioned that similar patterns began to emerge.  And so begins a month long series.  No it won't be a daily thing.  Just a few throughout the month.  But it will enlighten you as to the beliefs and behaviors of the System Sucks. 

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