Sunday, March 25, 2012

Who oversees when CPS takes the kids?

Who oversees when CPS takes the kids?

When government throws a sucker punch, the repercussions can ruin lives. And that's exactly what it looks like Kern County Child Protective Services did to one local mom when it took her two children last February without a warrant and with no evidence that the children had been harmed or were in any danger whatsoever.


  1. Yes! This happened to a friend of mine and the things she has been and still is going through to have her child returned are unbelievable. I hope that we can raise awareness so that this will STOP!

  2. raising awareness is good.But i'm to overwhelm and motivate because I have that same opening.WHERE IS THE WARRANT THAT GAVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO STEAL MY DAUGHTER.To say mildly that this is out of control is a waste of breath!I have found information on the cps info site that im sure the person's unaffected by this terroristic event would have kthollysmom watgh for blog
