Thursday, March 15, 2012

Should CPS be able to take children at their discretion?

Police have to get a warrant if they want to search your house. Detectives have to get a court order to seize your property. But in Kern County, child protective services doesn't seek court orders or warrants when removing children from their parents.


  1. I don't think CPS should be able to take children at their discretion. I believe there needs to be formal charges served and a structure that CPS must obey before they take anyone's children. What the current system does is allow divorced parents to lie about each other and involve CPS at the expense of the children.

    The CPS system as a whole as it is now has little or no regard for the children at all.

  2. behindbluewall2:00 PM

    As the attorney for the parents points out: CPS can't take children without a warrant unless they have reasonable cause to believe the child is in immanent danger. CPS routinely does this anyway, and not just in Kern County.

  3. krystal wood6:43 AM

    I was the mother in this story that they spoke to and I for one can tell you that Kern County Sheriff's Dept was present with Kern County CPS and they did not have a warrant. They intimidated me, my husband, my friends, and my family and forced their way in my home. The doctor at Bakersfield memorial filed a report which was based on false allegations and it was determined that there were no signs of child abuse by CPS's very own doctor at Jamision Center as well as two other doctors, but my children were still taken. I later found out that what they did violated my civil rights and have been trying to fight to get something done about it.It hasn't been easy. I refuse to give up though. I want my children back.
