Friday, February 03, 2012

Legally Kidnapped

I love it when foster parents write about me on their blogs and use me as an example when preaching their imperialistic morality bullshit. I really do.

Legally Kidnapped

Someone introduced me to this term, and the blog associated with it, about a year ago. The gist is that foster parents are all trying to “legally kidnap” children from their loving families.

I left the following comment on this insightful post which clearly demonstrates this foster parents ignorance as to what I am all about, or why I do what I do. I doubt it will be posted, and if I freaked her out too much, she'll delete the post (I have it saved so no worries). Most of them don't want to know the truth, especially when the truth will come with the realization that they are a part of the problem instead of the solution.

Dear Beck Foster

I am LK, I created Legally Kidnapped.

First: I want to thank you for the write up, and the analysis of my blog. It would however be proper to put in the link to a blog when complaining about it, as there is no such thing as bad publicity. You are free to call me every name in the book provided you get the link right. That's . I'm pretty tough so I can take it.

Second: The foster care system in the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK wherever you are is a total mess. Perhaps if you spent a little more time researching the issue instead of listing to all of the manipulated fairy tale BS from the nice social workers, you would understand that most of these kids come out of it more damaged than when they went in. In fact, my own step son was molested by a foster parent, who later bashed his head off of a refrigerator when he threatened to tell, (which caused him brain damage) when he was four years old. Oh and if I tell you that, I could be charged with a crime, spend 30 days in jail and possibly a $500 dollar fine for a violation of confidentiality laws. Sadly this sort of thing is all too common, as I report regularly on the pedophiles who are arrested for molesting foster kids. Of course the social workers will never tell you about such things, and depending on the state you are in, perhaps the media never reports it either, as most of the news that comes out about child welfare comes straight from the public relations departments. So the fact remains that the system which is stripe with fraud manages to hide their wrongdoing behind the veil of confidentiality laws while presenting themselves as heroes and child saviors to the public simply to justify the funding.

Perhaps you're unaware of all of the money floating around in the system. Just because you work for cheap does not mean all involved do. Perhaps you don't realize that whenever a child is removed there are suddenly several service providers getting work and contracts. Perhaps you're unaware of the extremely high number of foster kids who are being heavily medicated with psychiatric drugs, and the fact that when a foster kid is diagnosed as special needs the money doubles, triple's etc. Perhaps you're unaware of the imperialistic morality parade that foster parents, such as yourself, have been taught to preach. Perhaps you're not even aware that you're doing it. You do realize that just because some parents do not live up to your high standards does not necessarily make them bad parents, but rather victims of a cold and uncaring system?

Finally: I would like to remind you that I have never once said that all foster parents are bad. I have never denied the need for a foster care system or a system that should be in place to protect children. If protecting children was actually what they were doing, I wouldn't have half the problem with them that I do. In fact, I never pick on the good ones. Only the bad, the disgusting, and the stupid. I realize that the truth many not always be pleasant, especially when you have spent so much time kidding yourself into believing that destroying real families is the only way to protect kids. But if perhaps you could talk to some of the grandparents out there who have done no wrong, but are still cut off from any and all contact with their grandchildren, you would better understand my point of view. Perhaps you should start reading the stories of the Facebook reunions, where some siblings are getting together for the first time in 50 + years after being separated through foster care and adoption. It's in their best interest, you know. Perhaps you should go out on to the streets of your own city and start talking to some of the homeless kids who were booted out of the system on their 18th birthdays, the minute the money was cut off. Don't take it from me.


I'm sure this person would love to hear the truth from some of my readers.


  1. I left a comment too I doubt it will post.

  2. Thought I may as well share my comment here too since I'm sure it will not be posted:

    Wow! Do you have a LOT of reading to do that is not at all what is about. Let’s face it, the system is broken. It is all about money and not truly about helping the kids and families they are ripping apart.

    I don’t doubt there are circumstances that warrant removing a child from a home but in this day and age it is far too common to break the rules & laws to ‘justify’ removing a child.

    I have been on both sides of the fence. I grew up in the foster care system from 14-19. I had several placements most were not good, I could definitely tell who was in it for the money and who was in it for the benefit of nurturing a child into an adult. As I said I was there until 19 because my foster parents at the end were genuine and wanted to see me blossom they allowed me to stay with them until I finished school which also meant they did not receive any form of payment after I turned 18.

    On the other hand I have also had a social worker out on a witch hunt for me. Our daughter who has ADD, Bipolar disorder, is impulsive & lies about EVERYTHING has accused us of abuse. She was removed from our home WITHOUT an investigation, all the supervisors signed off on everything without question. The judge had no problem allowing it. We wanted a trial, it took 4 months! The day before our trial it was all dropped and she was returned home. The states atty working for the county refused to fight for them as they had nothing whig would warrants removal. Never mind the fact that our daughter was removed, then a month before our court date the foster parents couldn’t handle her she was doing all the same behaviors in foster care so she was sent over 300 miles away to a group home in the middle of nowhere. I have spent countless hours researching this. We are suing the county and the state over this I cannot let this happen to one more family. This has hurt our family far more than I can explain to you here.

    I also encourage you to Google mcfetridge v Orange county, or the mother who won 7.9 million for wrongful removal. The system needs to be fixed. This is the reason for it is not about attacking foster parents, but based on my experience alone there are many who foster who really shouldn’t and there ate those out there who should.

    I thank God for I needed all the help I could get when our child was removed and this is far from done the truth will always prevail.

  3. This is what i left for this woman:

    so you want to adopt. that is your goal and prerogative but truth be told while the stated goal of the system is reunification, what they do to most...most...most....most families says otherwise. have you thought about why this woman could still be a mess? You choose to place blame on her and say she is a product of her environment. The system is propped up by money and foster parents who mean well or dont mean well and many misconceptions and outright lies about families involved in this nightmarish process and you passing the buck by saying its not your fault doesn't not make it your fault nor does it make it this woman's fault. truth is im not going to be as kind as the other posters. You are stealing this womans child. sure you love him and you feel a connection...but he is not your child...truth is facts and history shows that a vast majority of kids in the system from dependency courts that are adopted out really shouldnt have been and its a travesty of justice...its a legalized transfer of parental rights mostly from poor families who dont have the tools or the money to fight back and middle/upper middle and wealthy families who step in on high horses like they are saviors of matter how you try to parse your words you look down on this woman and you really feel you are doing society a favor. you really feel like you are saving this child and truth be told you feel like you are now entitled to this child....Please consider what you are doing to this mother because once you get her child, its highly unlikely she will ever get him back...

  4. additional comments posted on her blog:

    you know the founding fathers felt so assured that parents rights would never be at risk that they never included it in the constitution? there is documented evidence of this. The rights of biological parents are important and should be paramount and no foster parent nor court system should get the opportunity to use blanket assumptions about a mothers/fathers intentions and use that to steal some one child. You say this has been an 18 month process? that doesn’t surprise me with how hard the system makes it to get out of the dependency process once its started. its also extremely bothering that there is a limit on the amount of time a parent can spend in the dependency court process before the court has to move for termination of parental rights. if the “other side” was truly supportive of parents and didnt violate the constitutional rights of the parents and the child, the family more times than not could quickly start trying to put the pieces back together of their lives instead of wallowing in despair as they watch the last days tick away before some other couple is deemed the childs parents and instead a bond ends up being forcefully and irrevocably broken…..
