Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why We Stole Our Foster Child from His Family

Why We Stole Our Foster Child from His Family

Our foster child, Lil Bit, has a birth family that loves him. Lil Bit wasn’t abused or neglected. He had a family member that expressed interest in adopting him that had an approved home study.

Note: I left a comment there. My comment was:

I’m going to say this as politely as I can.
A foster parent who falls in love with and wants to adopt a child is a biological parents worst nightmare. There have been many cases of this, where the foster parents do everything possible to thwart reunification efforts or kinship placements when the biological families have jumped through all the hoops, while justifying their fight in many different ways.
I will give you an example, of a series of investigative reports from a local television station out of Seattle Washington. There are 12 reports covering a little foster child nicknamed Poca, that spanned over more than a year. The child was returned to her biological parents, and the foster mother, who did everything possible to prevent this, is a master of the waterworks in front of the camera’s who is ultimately issued a no contact order.
We really do need to understand the concept that blood is thicker than water, and foster care should only be a temporary placement until there is an adequate family member or parent available.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That group is so moonbat crazy that I am not even tempted to leave a message there-- And THAT says a lot for what I think of THEM.

    Leonard Henderson, co-founder
    American Family Rights
    "Until Every Child Comes Home"©
    "The Voice of America's Families"©
