Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Journalist who exposed abuse of children in state care dies

Journalist who exposed abuse of children in state care dies

JOURNALIST Mary Raftery (54) whose documentary ‘States of Fear’ exposed the extent of physical and sexual abuse of children in State run institutions, has died following an illness.

1 comment:



    Charitys Childrens services dont be shy speak out abusers are people working with children who dont stop the real abusers

    We need you to Blog,Facebook,Twitter,Write to your news papers,tv,radioshow,Mp,Msp,president,More importantly go to your council building your goverment office your town centre and stop child abuse to do nothing is agreeing with the abusers.

    One Voice For The Kids and in association with the Against child Abuse Network, alongside many other global organisations who are against child abuse, are set to create the world's largest Against Child Abuse Protest of its kind ever seen. Let me share a dream with you...does working in splendid isolation work for you and your organisation? Just stop and think for a moment. If you and your organisation works alone, in our experience, if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. We are encouraging like minded organisations to join the Against Child Abuse Network as a point of contact between respective groups. To learn more about the network, click on the link or copy and paste the link below. Our vision is simple. Imagine a protest so large in numbers, all protesting on the same day around the world at as many of the world's Government Offices as possible.

    Worldwide Lawful Rebellion.

    Who is up for it?

    It is time the world took a stand against these people in power. So, we are calling out to all like minded orgainsatios who are against child abuse, to join us and help in the planning of the worlds largest protest in history. It has never been done before. This is to take place on the same day. Although the idea of the "New Dawn " has already been done, we can call it the "New Day". We are looking for as many of the world's organisations who are against child abuse to get behind this as we can.

    The against child abuse forum is ready to take your views on this worldwide protest.please follow this link and sign up. It has been restricted to invitation only to filter out any spam. http://www.mousewaggler.co.uk/forum/default.asp

    If you are an organisation who is against child abuse, child stealing by the state, establishment cover-ups and child sex trafficking, we would very much like to hear from you. To participate or for further information regarding this protest, please log on to any of the following links shown below.



    So how can you help? Our vision is simple. The idea of the protest is to encourage people all over the world to take the day off and peacefully protest outside their own respective Government Buildings on the 6th March 2012 commencing at 5am. Simultaneous protests Facebook,Twitter Posts We Want This happening in as many time zones as we can get people to do. Around the world, children are being stolen from their parents using false evidence, perjury, threats and intimidation, false medical reports, including sectioning, fraud, and corruption in public authorities, police, courts and high-profile Government officials.


    Also check out www.holliedemandsjustice.org about what is going on in Scotland and how the Scottish government are protecting child abusers and not the children.
