Saturday, December 17, 2011

This post is not worth reading: My Response To A False Accusation By A Moron Named John Anderson

Attn: John Anderson AKA John Doe AKA TheRealMrNeokat  or whatever you are calling yourselves these days.

Re: This video which you posted to your new YouTube account, and will unfortunately get more views from being posted here on Legally Kidnapped, then you could ever get on your own.

Please understand that you are now a known false accuser, stalker, psycho, a total dick head, and a flat out liar, as I have not aided any of these people in any way as you claim, and as usual, outside of showing a screen shot of a video that I posted not only on my wall but in many many groups on Facebook, you offer no proof whatsoever of your claims.  Also understand that I had no problem with you until you started your crap with me.

For anybody else who is being harassed, stalked, or falsely accused by this asshole, please send all future complaints to Constable Brian Dobbs @ phone # 1-250-762-3300 RCMP Kelowna detachment in British Columbia Canada.

I'm sure he would love to hear from you.

I appologize to everybody else for wasting your time with this.


  1. Oh the intrigue! I watched that a minute or 2. Something about hiding my ass whatever.

    This guy seems to need to create his own issues. The best question is why anybody could possibly care.

  2. It's fun watching him get all worked up Leonard. He goes right ballistic.

    But his accusations are serious and must be dealt with accordingly.

  3. Your turn this week is it LK?

  4. apparently so.
