Sunday, December 18, 2011

Support group awaits final report into forced adoption policies

Support group awaits final report into forced adoption policies

FOR Lily Arthur and the other women of the adoption support group Origins NSW, February 29, 2012, has been a long time coming.

1 comment:

  1. Many adoptees made Submissions to this Inquiry and attended Hearings, most speaking about about adoption, their adoptions for the first time publicly.Some, like myself have received both formal and personal apology from the church involved. The result of the apology by UnitingCare in South Australia has been contact between adoptees for the first time, a very significant move forward.
    The Inquiry group on facebook set up by Origins resulted in bullying and ridicule, dismissal of adoptees and their stories by some members.It resulted in adoptees forming the Australin Adoptees Network, still in it's formative stages but existing for the first time.A place for adoptees to express their views, gain real support and move forward into the future.
    The Inquiry provided opportunities for adoptees to present evidence to the Senators, for the first time being taken seriously and treated with kindness and respect.
    It has been a long journey, adoptees too will be pleased to see the Report handed down and to see what has been recommended in terms of changes and provision for adoptees.
    We congratulate Lily Arthur on her impending retirement at that time and wish her a peaceful and contented retirement.
