Saturday, November 19, 2011

SystemSuckology: Penn State - CPS Rat Training In Progress!!!

Sarah Palin on Jerry Sandusky, ex-Penn State assistant coach in child sex abuse scandal: ‘Hang him’

Michele Bachmann On Jerry Sandusky Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal: I'd 'Beat Him To A Pulp'

There have been two things that have been dominating my news feeds these days causing a massive increase of pro-CPS, foster care, adoption bullshit in the news. The first is the National Adoption Propaganda Day crap, you know the heartwarming stories with the fairy tale endings, of the kids who found their forever families and lived happily ever after in mass numbers all at once or rather the celebration of the sale of your children, which I refuse to advertise.

The second is the Jerry Sandusky Penn State Sexual Abuse Scandal, or whatever you wanna call it. It's interesting that a story that Legally Kidnapped linked to back in April didn't take off until last week.  What's even more interesting is the fact because of this one case, a ton of states are now reviewing and trying to strengthen their Mandated Reporting laws.  Hell, the whole world is.

South Dakota's mandatory reporting law scrutinized

Legislators check laws regarding who must report child sexual abuse

Child abuse mandated-reporter law could be expanded to include all MO residents

Child-Protection Laws Under Scrutiny In Wake Of Scandals

Tedisco Bill To Require Sex Abuse Reporting Gets Bi-Partisan Support

Nebraska Child Abuse Reporting Requirements are Broad

Who has to report child sexual abuse in Maine?

I even watched on Ustream as the Occupy Wall Street protesters tried to block the New York Stock Exchange, while watching CNN's Morning Pop Tart talk about nothing but various aspects of the Penn State Sex Abuse Hysteria Scandal at the same time.  In fact, I would guesstimate that perhaps 1/3rd of her show was Jerry Sandusky, Jerry Sandusky, Jerry Sandusky, Penn State, Penn State, Penn State, etc, and the only thing said about Occupy Wall Street, where all hell was breaking loose, was, "How do you feel about the Occupy Movement 2 months into it?  Tweet me."

Similarly, the Casey Anthony verdict brought about Caylee's Law, where missing children must be reported within 24 hours or it's a felony, so the anti abuse mob all across the country raged on with their get Casey campaign, which hasn't totally died out yet.  With the Penn State, this sudden wave of Sexual Abuse Hysteria takes root in the country.  This happened because this was a famous person, a terrible crime, and massive television exposure.

My buddy the Wex tells us...
Taking knee-jerk idiocy to the ultimate level, Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey (D-Pa.) has introduced legislation to coerce every state into passing a law to require anyone and everyone to report any and every suspicion of child maltreatment to child protective services or the police.  It’s co-sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Ca.).
Apparently everybody else is crying out for the same thing.  Why?  Because it's a high profile case being shown on television all over the country.  And, although I totally agree with the Wex on this one, I think that the problem is much worse than we imagined.  I also think that this is a major shot against you and parental rights or family rights or children's rights as a whole because of what the Wex calls "Knee Jerk idiocy" which is of course, crossed with the Imperialistic Morality Parade, being brought about by a massive increase in advanced anal-retentive disorder.  Everybody jumps on the bandwagon because it's the in thing of the day.  It brings all the idiots together to cry out for the same thing which will only backfire on them the moment there is the slightest suspicion of child abuse or neglect.  It makes them momentarily feel important.

Therefore, I will demonstrate now with link after link in regards to how the sheep  are reacting to this one case.  And report everybody for everything, (please note the sarcasm there).

PS, the guy ran a foster care group home for boys, or something like that.

Pennsylvania child abuse reports skyrocket after Penn State

A simple rule for child abuse: If you see it, report it at once

Social worker talks about how to talk to kids about tragedy

Penn State case sheds light on abuse

I Didn't Tell!

Editorial: Make reporting child sexual abuse mandatory

Should Everyone be 'Mandatory Reporters' When it Comes to Child Abuse?

Child-Protection Laws Under Scrutiny In Wake Of Scandals

Best Way to Help Sexually Abused Children is to Believe Them

Why people don't report child sexual abuse

The Moral Obligation to Report The Sexual Abuse of Children

Spotting child abuse is all our responsibility

This, my friends is brainwashing on a massive scale. Nation wide Psycho-Social conditioning. Everybody report everything. No matter what it is. All the stupid people will fall for it because every child on the planet is in danger doncha know.

So lets play along. I say we all report CPS for child trafficking. What do you think?

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