Monday, October 31, 2011

From Diane

On June 18, 2009 two (2) gang members came looking for a kid whom was residing in one of the rented rooms that I was living at, They called an innocent man out and shot him in the garage of the residence and he later died at a nearby hosipital. My children and I were sleeping and we were awoken by loud screams. We were transported down to the homicide division, while the detectives conducted a search and gathered evidence at the residence. That day social services were called in and they did an emergency removal of my two (2) daughters. I cooperated with them and was asked to do an on demand drug test on 6/19/2009 which tested negative for all alcohol and drugs as well as no drugs, weapons, etc were found anywhere in the house, quite different from what the Department and Children Services were saying about me. On 7/14/2011 I went back to court confident that I would get my girls back because I did test clean and I moved into another heome and maintained employment.

My drug results never showed up in court ( I have evidence of this). Plus I was slapped with additional accusations that I put my daughter in harms way to be molested by her uncle (which is a lie). In 2007 I left my daughters with my mother in law while I took care of something I needed to take care of, My girls were stable and in school. On November 16, 2008 Joseph came and picked Stephanie up with the Palmdale Sheriffs at his side and he proceeded to dissapear out of the state of california. On July 21, 2008 I filed for sole custody and parental kidnapping and hired an investigator to look for my daughter. On September 15, 2008 I received a telephone call stating that my daughter was found in Oregon and could I please take a trip right away., with the help of my mother in law giving me the money I drove up to Oregon. My daughter came home with me and over the next few months up until June 18, 2009 I experienced some behavioral problems I addressed the school and was put on the waiting list for counseling for her. When CPS removed my children it came out that Stephanie was molested in Oregon the whole time she was gone by her paternal uncle, when I was faced with these new allegations I was floored., it devestated me to know that this happened to my little girl and how could CPS hold me accountable for something that I did not do? Nevertheless, even though I was falling apart inside I brought all the proof to show that I looked out for my daughters best interest. I won sole physical custody of her. I had proof of everything and that never showed up in court. Also, they are mandated reporters and they never reported the molestation charges. I filed charges this past May for Molestation. I have done everything these people have asked me. Now they terminated my family reunification and the foster mother put in a petition to adopt my children and all of this is based on lies and withholding evidence. I will never stop fighting.

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