Friday, October 28, 2011

Audit report: Sex offenders are living or working in foster-care homes

Audit report: Sex offenders are living or working in foster-care homes

Sex offenders are living or working in foster-care facilities and homes, according to a report released by the California State Auditor this morning.

Note: These assholes make me sick.

I was also tagged in a comment on Facebook in regards to this story. I will paste it in here.
Hey Legally Kidnapped - I hope that you pick this story up in next week's Bably LK's report. California state and county government suck. Let me say it again - L.A. County & the State of Calfornia is corrupt and IT SUCKS! Did you hear that Zev Yaroslavsky and Mike Feuer?

"Los Angeles County was also selected for investigation, according to the LA Times, but the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors said no to subpoenas and later hired outside lawyers to fight the investigation. However, the auditor's office continues to press the county for information." Comment: FUCK YOU L.A. COUNTY SUPERVISORS!

And of course, our L.A. County taxpayers will be flipping the bill for the corrupt L.A. County Supervisors attorneys! OMG - Time to protest. Time to relocate "Wall Street L.A. right smack in front of the Board of Supervisors building! Am I a bit pissed off? You betcha.

Our L.A. County Supervisors are 100% complicit with the crimes being committed upon our children - under the color of law. Ahhhhhhhh--- the time has come to take each one of them out. Hey Leslie Dutton, this is your call!

Janette M. Isaacs

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