Monday, July 04, 2011

Octomom: I Hate Babies, They Disgust Me

Octomom: I Hate Babies, They Disgust Me

It’s bizarre to hear the woman who became famous for adding octuplets to a brood of six children talk about how she hates babies.

That's certainly worthy of some Carlos, eh...

1 comment:

  1. I commented on that story (now waiting for moderation). Here's what I said there-

    Regarding the statement “I hope Child Protective Services is paying weekly visits to that household..”

    I would hope that EVERYBODY knows CPS is even crazier than Ocomom. If you know how bad CPS is and the definition of “officious”- – you can find a better understanding of what our fore-fathers were saying in the Declaration of Independence-

    Leonard Henderson, co-founder
    American Family Rights
    “Until Every Child Comes Home”©
    “The Voice of America’s Families”©
