Monday, July 18, 2011

Case Study: The SystemSuckology of the Casey Anthony Case


If you ask me, the biggest problem that the family rights movement faces is not the law but the misled and mindless sheep who jump on the bandwagon of the in thing of the day screaming out for justice in regards to that which they are misled to believe and see over and over and over again.
She has a right to free speech, insists Casey Anthony's lawyer as speculation mounts about lucrative media deals

Attorney Jose Baez said they are 'trying to put the pieces back together'
The trial of Casey Anthony has put a dent in the sheeples faith in the American Justice System. This also demonstrates the biggest problem that I have with the media and the biased and opinionated way that things are portrayed as Casey was convicted in the court of public opinion a long time ago. Not because of the media's intent to inform, but because of the great Talking Heads of Justice like Nancy Grace, who are much more interested in ratings and career advancement than truth and who just happens to be much better at the pointing of the finger and the running of the mouth then they are at interpreting the current events of the day.

Take into account the sheep's need for blood too. The emotion junkies eat this stuff up. Why? Because it makes them angry. Why? Because the talking heads just won't shut up about it, and it becomes the in thing of the day. This is all that matters... This is all that matters.

Normally I would say to each his own. But this is nothing but a distraction and a dangerous one at that.

The fact remains that the sheep are misled by the media. They want you to think that this is the most important issue of the day. They tell you what to think and the sheep comply. They tell you what to believe and the sheep comply. It tells you what is right and wrong and the sheep live their lives accordingly. Now it's telling you to hate Casey Anthony, and the sheep comply.
A comparison:

The Baby P case in the UK had a similar effect on the British sheeple. Once the media was granted permission to name the accused, Tracey Connelly very quickly became one of the most hated mothers in the history of England. Mobs of people hit the streets in protest of the conviction, where it is potentially possible for this mother to see freedom within a few short years. Now she sits in a jail cell where she may very well belong, but that's not what matters here. What matters is the fallout from the media's portrayal of the case, or what has been labeled as the Baby P Effect, which has led to a large increase in child removals for frivolous reasons, all in the name of keeping children "safe," as if every child on the planet is in this much danger.

The people worry about these things because they see them over and over again.

Reporters have written thousands of articles on this case. They are still being published today, not because it is necessary to inform, but because it sells papers. The sheep don't have to know every gory detail and it certainly won't improve their lives by knowing such horrors, they want to know. Then they can all get together in a great witchhunt, lash out in a twisted display of collective anger and cry out against the system for not doing enough to protect that one child. And since everybody else is doing it, it makes them feel like they belong. It makes them feel important. They say, we gotta do something so that this never happens again, for example, calling out for Caylee's Law which will make it a felony to not report a child missing within 24 hours.
Why 'Caylee's Law' Is A Bad Idea

Within minutes of the Casey Anthony verdict, much of America devolved into the mass media equivalent of a mob bearing torches and pitchforks. Twitter lit up with calls for vigilante justice, and proposals that we revoke the Fifth Amendment's protection against double jeopardy (or at least that we revoke it for Casey Anthony). Nancy Grace nearly spit fire, proclaiming, "The devil is dancing tonight." Conservative syndicated columnist Ben Shapiro wants to change the jury system entirely.
And while even I would argue that there is something wrong with a parent who does not report their child missing within 24 hours, (when that is the case of course) this is simply some desperate attempt to think that they're getting something good out of a horrible tragedy that won't matter one little bit in terms of keeping children safe, but rather will just justify the removal of more children from their homes. I mean, f your child wanders off or whatever, it doesn't matter how much time goes by, they'll report your ass to CPS anyway, not to mention, do these people even have half a clue as to how far away some kidnapper could be in 24 hours?
Reacting To The Sensational:

What we really have is this knee-jerk reaction to a high profile court case where a child was involved. And in this case, we have one where the sheep are showing their true colors. Some people are even willing to kill her.

The people are being conditioned to worry about things that will not have any effect on their lives. They want you to think that it is always like this, so when people hear the worlds child abuse, think the worst of the worst of the worst.

That way they'll all report every little thing.

Yes Chicken Little, the sky is falling.

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