Friday, June 24, 2011

When the Government Steals the Children

On Saturday, June 18, 2011 native survivors of the sixties scoop from across Canada gathered in front of Queen's Park in Toronto to talk about a little known atrocity currently being perpetrated by the Canadian Government against First Nation families in Canada. Child welfare services in Canadian provinces with the support of the federal government are removing native children from their families and their reservations and placing them in foster care or adopting them out throughout the world. Applications to have the children fostered or adopted by native families have been consistently refused in an attempt at cultural genocide. Thousands of children have had their identities torn away and been placed in non-native homes where their roots are being eliminated leaving them without a history or any connection with their heritage. After seeches were listened to, these people marched to the Childrens' aid offices and spoke of their anger and pain in hopes of drawing attention to this injustice. They then proceeded to Allen Gardens where there was a meal and a traditional pow wow.

1 comment:

  1. This is what forms a revolution and a lot of people will join when the truth is exposed.Absolute power in any country creates absolute corruption. A man with a cause for redemption of the working family.
