Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ut Oh!!! Another Vindictive Hollywood Ex Exposed

And the plot thickens...

Maria Shriver Behind Affair Leaks

Maria Shriver is the individual who leaked the story about husband Arnold Schwarzenegger's infidelity and out-of-wedlock love child.


  1. Montana3:34 PM

    Arnold Schwarzenegger should just come clean and give out the number of kids he fathered, get this behind him and make some "low brow" movies, the only thing he was somewhat good at. Because as a Governor, he was a huge failure, thanks "John and Ken" from KFI 640 AM radio losers for getting him elected and the fools that voted for him. At least he is out of office unlike Louisiana Senator, David "Diaper Boy" Vitter, who paid for his wants.

  2. She must not have gotten that old message to the Kennedy women about putting up with the boys whoring around.

  3. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Wow, I think the majority of people will forgive Maria if she did "leak" anything to the press.
