Wednesday, May 25, 2011

County council pledge to launch in-depth review in to paedophile foster carer

County council pledge to launch in-depth review in to paedophile foster carer

NOTTS County Council has pledged to carry out an in-depth review in to how one of its foster carers was able to abuse 16 boys over a 12-year period.

Note: They act as if this is a rare occurrence.

1 comment:


    Make it an in depth serious case review as well, once again costing millions at the taxpayers expense.

    This man has been payed rich rewards, for defying his post of trust, some foster carers are payed up to£800 per week for each child fostered.

    12 years of abusing boys in his care, disgraceful evil man.

    The effect and trauma these children have been through will possibly be lifelong.

    I wonder what excuse Nottingham City Council will give in relation to their failings?

    These serious case reviews and the outcome are now available for public scrutiny, and i for one cant wait to see the outcome off this one.

    The boys should seek legal representation, in order to be compensated for their trauma.

    But whatever the outcome of the serious case review, nothing will compensate for the horrendous abuse suffered at the hands of someone that was put in trust to oversee their safety and care.

    They may have been taken away from innocent parents to a lifetime of torment?
