Sunday, April 03, 2011

There are aproxamately 49,000 CPS rats in Virginia, and approximately 4,1417 of them don't have a clue as to what they're talking about.

Here is another one of those child abuse propaganda month articles where you get the wrong set of numbers.

I do like the way they put it though.
According to the Virginia Coalition for Child Abuse Prevention, from July 2009 to July 2010, nearly 49,000 children were reported as being possible victims of abuse and/or neglect in Virginia. Of those, 44 of the children died from their injuries and 31% of all victims were younger than age 4.
Let's do a little math here.

49,000 calls to the hotline? That's a big number. Check this out...

According to page viii of the following document...

How many allegations of maltreatment were reported and received an investigation or assessment for abuse and neglect?

During Federal fiscal year 2009, an estimated 3.3 million referrals, involving the alleged maltreatment of approximately 6.0 million children, were received by CPS agencies. Of these referrals, 61.9 percent were screened in for a response by CPS agencies.

One-quarter of the CPS responses determined at least one child who was found to be a victim of ■■abuse and neglect with the following report dispositions: 22.1 percent substantiated, 1.3 percent indicated, and 0.5 percent alternative response victim.

Now lets guesstimate how many of these hotline callers don't have a clue as to what they are talking about.

Now based on my guesstimation, which is based on no legitimate statistical reasoning whatsoever mind you, but rather the kind of voodoo statistics the Child Protective Industry would use where they just pull these numbers out of thin air...

AND if the national statistics hold at least somewhat true in Virginia, then we can knock approximately 38.1% off of the top of that 49,000, Because these calls to the hotline don't even receive an investigation. This leaves us with 30,331 that did receive an investigation. Then out of what's left, we must take only 25% which equals a quarter, as stated in the document, which resolves to 7,583 substantiated cases of abuse or neglect based on the number of calls to the hotline.. Now please understand that this guesstimate number of children in Virginia, which only means that a worker claimed that there was abuse and/or neglect going on, and does not take into account the number of lies or fabricated cases that workers made up or anything along that nature. So we're nowhere near an accurate number of abused or neglected children. However...

There are approximately 49,000 CPS rats in Virginia, and if out of that only 7,583 of them resulted substantiated cases of abuse and neglect, then approximately 4,1417 of the CPS rats in Virginia don't have a clue as to what they're talking about.

Now based on such reasoning, my question to you is this. If you were trying to sell the people of your state a line of bullshit, which set of numbers would you use.

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