Monday, April 04, 2011

An Advanced System-Suckology Case Study: The Moral High Ground Of Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann

If you can't convince them, confuse them. -- Harry S. Truman


It's no secret that Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachmann, the potential 2012 Tea-Bagging Presidential Candidate was once a foster parent.
Mama Bachmann

When most women are expecting their fourth child, they don’t decide to start taking in foster children.
Nor is it a secret that she would use her experience as a foster contractor to propel her public image to the moral high ground where society falls for the old line about convincing them that you're doing it for the children and they will support your cause to the point of practically anything.

I have noted in the past how politicians are able to utilize their support for the child protective industry as election year photo opportunities. But in the case of Ms Bachmann, something about her time as a foster caregiver convinces her that she is now on a higher pedestal of morality, therefore making her better than you, and thus making her more qualified to be President of the United States of America then say... someone with half a brain.

Now I'm not saying that Ms. Bachmann did not provide a good home to the victims of the foster care system while they were in her home. I'm sure she did and have no reason to believe otherwise. That's not the point. This is a case of the moral superiority winning out over intelligence. This is a case where a politician is able to use you're pain and suffering and the ripping apart of your family as a boost to her public image to the point that she is morally superior. And the American People who are either A. On drugs, or B. Brainwashed by their TV's to the point where psyche meds are not necessary, and crossed with the fact that most Americans have never experienced the pleasure of having a social worker crawling up their ass or their families being torn apart, and are therefore in fact, dumb enough to believe it because they're still sold on the line that these people are there to protect children from abuse and neglect and that it has nothing to do with money and bla bla bla.

Those of you who have been reading Legally Kidnapped long enough, must know by now that it's all about appearances. The universal understanding of the issue revolves around the following statement...

"You lost your kids therefore you must have done something horrible to them." The sheeple (God bless their ignorant souls) don't understand the reality of the system because they are never shown the reality of the system. The only way to truly understand is to experience it. But how do other people really react when you tell them your story?

You see folks, most people would never believe that such things could ever happen in America. All of this is done behind the scenes of their confidentiality laws. Statements are put forth by Public Relations Departments. And therefore Americans are misled to believe in what is good and what is considered bad based on what they are shown.

The victims of the Child Protective Industry, need to do something about our public image if we are to accomplish anything. We need to increase our public support so that candidates who support our cause have a chance of winning. This will not be easy considering the fact that society is only shown the most horrific cases of abuse and neglect on TV. Therefore when they hear the words Child Abuse, those same images instantly just POP'S into their heads. And the victims of a harsh and unjust system (you) are portrayed as monsters because the people only see the ones who really are.

As for Michelle Bachmann, watch her come riding in on her moral high horse very carefully. Because realistically, she preaches a good conservative ideal, but if you look into her eyes, you will see that they are totally glossed over. I gotta wonder what kind of psyche meds she is on.


  1. You are exactly right LK if it hasn't happened to someone you love you think they did a good job. They were bad parents but...... thats not true. My grands have been destroyed by all the lies! One is in liver failure due to blackbox drugs forced down his throat and the other has been raped and they cut our contact with him because we complained! CPS ROT IN HELL!

  2. She still is in the Foster Farm business and in fact, her hubby started a lucrative mental health business that also tapped the mental health needs of children placed in their care, and has grown in enormity to a large associated source of "contracted service providers" in Minnesota social services providers. her additional goal is to somehow tap the school funding at the federal level that would allow this organized crime network to allow the foster farms the ability to "home or private" school to acquire MORE funding to go into the pockets of the foster farms and/or the related contracted service providers. One more, shes seeking to create additional laws that would allow these farms to be able to hold prisoner, these kids after their 18 and create additional higher funding over the already multi billion dollar business in MN

  3. Is it not INCREDIBLY SAD how "society falls for the old line that they're doing it for the children"? After awhile these individuals start believing their own lie. And our society propels this lie as the money and/or emotionally hungry devour the innocense of our children through the mask of adoptive/foster care.
