Friday, January 21, 2011

From Graham

Anyone living near Clearwater, Florida should check out the free classes at SPC on Drew Street put on by the Clearwater Florida Bar Association.

Each week has a 2 hour topic (Thursday night 7-9pm) it is listed under Peoples Law School on the internet. The classes are non-commital and for me the more I can learn the better.

15 weeks total next week is "leading up to a trial" since I am going Pro-Se I need all the help I can get. Family Law is on Apiril 7th. It is also listed under Saint Petersburg College, but I found that tedious to navigate good luck to all you victims.
I have found a lot of usefull info on LK and I thank you for your dedication.

Another site I came across on Facebook was MassOutrage why can the state kidnap your children?. I actually sent a copy of their letter to both the family court judge and to Pinellas County Sheriffs Dept. CPI telling them they should hand out a form similar to that when they take your children that way we will know that we can not have our children back until they have finished abusing them and used them for all the money they can get out of the state and us.

I will let you know when I file my lawsuit Pro-Se against the Pinellas County Sheriffs dept. along with the media.

I hope that I can draw some attention to the DCF abuse of innocent families and hopefully work towards changing their procedures especially writting false reports and making the "deputies" liable for their actions.

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