Thursday, January 20, 2011

Father: 'My children are being held hostage'

Father: 'My children are being held hostage'

According to the Jacksons, DYFS employees, contractors and foster parents alike have demonstrated anti-religious bias, including one case supervisor who refused to allow the Jacksons to pray with their children as they wished, for the reunification of the family.

"You can pray about other things, you can pray that they’ll be happy in their placements," said a DYFS worker identified by Jackson as Denise Hollerbach.

Note: What a bitch. (although another word originally came to mind, I don't want to offend any of my readers so I toned it down a bit.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Civil Liberty Union should be able to help this father with this. They handle cases where religious rights are violated, and it sounds as if this falls under that category. If I were the father, I would pray as I please about whatever I please as they cannot legally stop him. If he is a praying man who lives for God, then God is on his side. "If God is for me, then who can be against me"...and win? Call Civil Liberty Union ASAP!!!!
