Friday, January 21, 2011

Australia’s child abuse rates fall but foster care rates rise: Report

Australia’s child abuse rates fall but foster care rates rise: Report

Statistics show that the total number of Tasmanian children in state care has risen by 60% in six years. This is the second highest number of children per 1,000 in child protection in the Australia. This means more children are being removed from their families for issues such as substance abuse, mental health and family violence.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:04 AM

    This does not say that they are doing their job especially as in a lot of cases they take children from loving homes. There is a really bad case of a 12 year old in their care that was prostituted out of a hotel with approx 150 men, One a politician and they got away with it by saying they thought she was 18 so only one was charged. Children have died in care in Tasmania and no one was charged with that. No court stands up to CPS so they are allowed to do exactly as they please. Many children placed in care in Tasmania have loving families. Yet there is an immense homeless population of teenagers that CPS ignores.
