Saturday, December 18, 2010

William O. Kochase

William O. Kochase

William "Billy" Oliver Kochase, 17, died Oct. 3, 2010, at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita. He was born in Wichita, Nov. 21, 1992. Foster parents are Sam Hockman and Annie Upton.

Note: They don't even mention the real parents. How generous of them. I happen to know that the real mother is aware of this.


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    on the day this happened according to story william, known as billy, had a conflict withe foster parents cause they wouldn't let him go camping he threatened to kill himself, he had a rope, yet by the foster parents own admission, they did not take the rope from him, they did not call 911, they did not get him to a hospital, in fact, they did nothing to get him help, later that evening, he hanged himself in the garage with that very rope. according to cps officials, he had been depressed for a long time and was hospitilized in july for attempting suicide yet when he threatened suicide the foster parents did nothing . there are more details about this case that needs to be investigated this young man has a family that mourn for him. they deserve justice. someone help.and they didn't even mention his family in the obit.

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    the foster parents are not his family why weren't his parents mentioned?

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    i wonder how much money they got from the life insurance. how much is a child's life worth?

  4. Anonymous12:02 AM

    billy was my brother and i love and miss him. I love his foster parents to and they would never let him die like that they had know clue he would do such a thing

  5. Anonymous10:13 PM

    really the foster parents had no clue? that;s a lie. they did know he was hospitilized in july for attempting suicide but they had no clue? they did let him die like that. he had a rope, talked about killing himself yet they did nothing. so tell your lies to someone else. and billy is notyour brother he has real brothers and a real sister

  6. Anonymous10:16 PM

    and by the way suicide has not been proven the marks on him did not come from him hanging him self. and why is the foster mother hacking his facebook profile?

  7. Anonymous10:22 PM

    why didn't they take the rope and get him to a hospital? why didn't they get him help? they had no clue? ya right a suicidal kid is standing there with a rope in his hand acting strange talking about killing himself, and they had no clue? bet they had no clue about the life insurance too.

  8. Anonymous10:32 PM

    it can be prooven that the person hacking billy's profile on facebook lives in that house there are computer experts. the person hacking his profile deleted what he wrote about the future, he wrote was he was going to name his kids, where he was going to go to college, it was deleted after he died. the person is still getting on his profile deleting messages his mother and sister write on there. but they are nit as smart as they think they are i have the messages on file. they can keep deleting it off his facebook profile but they can't erase the file i have it shows the date and time billy wrote the original messages. now why would a person delete those messages? to try to proove a suicide theory? the foster mother is also a liar. first she said on the day billy was found hanged that she didn't know how long he was missing, then she said he was only gone a few minutes. and it has not been ruled that his death was a suicide until that has been prooven don't say he killed himself

  9. Anonymous10:38 PM

    the state has not released the autopsy results what do they have to hide? the foster mother is a liar we know what she said to bill's sister just like a couple other people did the day they were suppose to pick out the tombstone for billy's grave.

  10. Anonymous10:39 PM

    and learn how to spell know clue? the right word is no

  11. Anonymous10:42 PM

    wonder how you would feel if billy was your child how would the foster parents feel if billy was their child? you think they would have gotten him help if he wasn't just a foster child?

  12. Anonymous10:50 PM

    when the truth comes out, these people will never be foster parents again ever they will have to find another way to fatten their wallets and their bank accounts. the parents of the other foster kids living with these monsters have a right to know what kind of people are taking care of their children.

  13. Anonymous10:56 PM

    we are aware that there are pictures of billy that show abuse while he was in foster care and we are aware that the foster parents were making him work very long hours, he worked all day one sunday then he had to go home and move furniture. the foster parents wouldn't let him go to church. the foster mother was always getting mad taking his cell phone fron him.

  14. Anonymous11:53 AM

    the foster parents had no clue? then why did they tell the other foster children billy had been trying to kill himself for a year?

  15. Anonymous7:28 PM

    why is the foster mother using the name Annie when her name is really Cheryl?

  16. Anonymous8:49 PM

    the foster parents were supposed to protect yet they did nothing to help you truly believe they had no clue? as soon as he started acting strange they should have gotten him help, it don't take a genius to figure out hey this kid is suicidal he;s got a rope, take the rope and get him to a hospital.these foster parents are going to pay for what they have done, i'm going to make sure their names are put on the register for fatal neglect and everything else they can and will be charged with.they deserve to be in prison. if they were any kind of loving, caring people, they would not have let this happen.where were the case manager and social workers that were supposed to check on foster kids? and why didn't anyone contact his family while he lay in the hospital dying? in fact it wasn't even cps that told the family. the woman that adopted william's sister is the one who contacted his family. would cps have even bothered to inform the family? i wonder how they would feel if this were their child?

  17. Anonymous12:32 PM

    related info. cps hiding details on foster childs death hutchinson go there look at the pictures, and tell me something's not wrong, the pictures speak for their self. and keep in mind, the pictures were taken while william was in foster care, his family didn't get the pictures til after he died.

  18. Anonymous2:17 PM

    there are rumors that a certain case worker has a baby girl that this boy fathered

  19. Anonymous4:49 PM

    who is this anonymous person is this virginia because im his sister ashley and i want to know who this anonymous person is because if your not in billys family then u have no idea whats going on and my mom dana didnt let the family know about his death it was jennifer selby the caseworker because we got a call about 12 in the morning telling us billy was in hospital and yes who the hell is deleting billys stuff yeah try deleting the messages i send him on the facebook page i made him yea u cant idiots thinking your so smart we all know what billy had already posted so ur really not hiding anything and i wanna know why me and my brothers werent in the obituary the reason his parents werent mentioned is because bby law they had no rights to him and the state does not consider them his parents

  20. Anonymous7:26 PM

    i am Billy's family and no it was not jennifer selby that contacted his family it was his sister Ashley and Dana that contacted his family check the phone records and by the way it is illegal to pretend to be someone you're not Ashley did not wrtite this. as for Jennifer Selby, she's a liar and a pedophile, she does not give a shit about kids she is abusive to foster kids in many are a liar the state stole Billky and his siblings just like they stole thousands of other children and put them in dangerous situations Billy died becaquse they didn;t give a damn, if they did, they would have gotten him help.think how youi would feel if this was your child, ripped away from you, having social workers tell you yes you love your cxhildren, but were taking them because you don't nurture them, then your son dies in stste custody who was nurturinbg him? the foster parents saw him with a rope and they didn't take the rope or get him to a hospital nothing to help him why? and who gets the money from the life insurance from his death?

  21. Anonymous7:57 PM

    i am Billy's and no it was not Jennifer Selby that called his family it was his sister Ashley and DaNA THAT called check the phone records you liar and this is not Ashley writing why are you saying you are Ashley? the state stole Billy and his siblings just like the hundreds of others the much of the life insurance money went in your pocket? as for Jennifer Selby; she is a racist lyin pedohile the research see the numbers how many children die in state care. ya the state didn,t mention his family or the fact that his death was preventable but of course they will not tell that. why won't they tell the truth why are they hiding ?

  22. Anonymous9:52 PM

    to the idiot claiming to be Billy's sister Ashley guess what stupid you are commiting a crime my brother is a policeman and just so you know ip addresses can be traced it is easy to find out where messages come from, your computer can be keep lying your way to prison

  23. Anonymous3:04 PM

    first of all i have proof that im billys sister and i really honestly hope u call the cops because im not a pedophile billy was my brother and if this is virginia i have proof im his sister so trace my computer im pregnant with my son jayden william hunt decker and my second evidence of proof im billys sister i was born june 24th 1996 and you and me got in a fight on facebook cause u accused my dad of getting me pregnant when he didnt and i blocked u from my facebook so theres proof

  24. Anonymous9:49 PM

    first of all my name is not virginia i am a relative, and what the ???? are you talking about? i never said your dad got you pregnant. and i said jennifer selby is a pedophile cause she is.virginia loves her kids she always did those evil people took her kids to make money off them. Billy would not be dead if he was with his mom.someday you will find the truth. and you are mad at her for trying to protect Ashley how would you feel to have your children takin from you then your son died and you have these people lying about you then turning your daughter against you because you wanted to protect her. Ashley ask your brothers they know. Billy knew that,s why he never stopped loving his mom.and that man is not Ashley,s father just cause he goes to church you think it,s ok for a grown man to act like that fathers don,t talk like that to daughters like that you do not know anything about Billy,s mom i know her i,ve known her all her life i know how much she loves her kids someday you will know the truth. what do you think they will try to do to Ashley,s baby?

  25. that is Ashly billy's sister and I'm his brother Steven and all the stuff your saying isn't true you guys need to the story strait before you post crap about it

  26. Anonymous7:23 PM

    it is true you only hear what people tell you. those foster parents let billy die . why do you think they got in trouble, they are not foster parents anymore. jennifer is no longer the case manager.and what was said is true, it can be proven,the police already have the proof,collin is not ashleys father and he should not have been talking to ashley that way' grown men should never talk to young ladies like that.

  27. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Okay for the people talking shit, you need to find life's and live them, you are pathetic and dont know the story. I love someone he's related to. I honestly dont think that anything you guys are assuming is true. so please do us all a favor and go on with the rest of your life cause fortunately you still have yours.
