Saturday, December 25, 2010

Submitted by Anonymous

On October 26, 2010, we picked our 6 week old son up from daycare. He was extremely fussy and it took us an hour to calm him down and get him to sleep. This is unusual because our infant is rarely fussy unless he has gas, in which case, gas x always helps. Anyway, an hour after we put him to sleep we went to take him out of the swing and noticed dark bruising on his leg that was not apparent before. We immediately took him to the ER. We were in the ER for 26 hours before transferring us to a pediatric hospital. The doctors diagnosed bilateral tibial fractures and a left femoral fracture. Upon discharge from the hospital, CPS took our child into their care and placed him in foster care. We have never had any issues with the law and are good parents. we are sure the daycare is responsible but CPS doesn't care. Because we are the parents, it must be us that abused him. He has only been at this daycare for 2 days. We had a hearing at the 14 day mark where CPS asked for a continuance. Then 14 days later, another continuance. 14 more days.....judge cancels hearing and ordered a mediation. At mediation CPS wanted us to sign a form stating them as our son's managing conservator in order to get him back before the holidays. we refused to sign anything stating guilt or naming them the caretaker for our child. so now we are awaiting a trial in mid January and missing our first Christmas together.

I hate CPS, they are ruining our lives. We are missing the developmental milestones in our sons life and important bonding time. Not to mention that our son is strictly breastfed and I am having trouble keeping up without the daily stimulation from him feeding. We wanted the best for our family and did what we THOUGHT was right bringing him to the hospital and it all blew up in our face. They have no proof of abuse but are still able to keep him? How is this legal or possible?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    CPS does whatever they want....They ruined our life as well. My husband and I have three children that they took from us. They told our families that they could sell them on the black market for 100,000 dollars. We did a case plan and completed everything on the case plan, and we even passed a hair follicle test, but we still did not get our kids back. Theyu kept telling us they are young and adoptable. That they are staying in a 500,000 dollar home. We never met the foster family even tho they kept telling us we would.
