Saturday, December 18, 2010

An Early Christmas Present.

Didn't think it could happen, but I am utterly disgusted with a blog post that I just came across.

Never, have I seen such joy and happiness come out of the destruction of a family.

It simply goes to show ya. Some do it for the money. Some just want the kid.

An Early Christmas Present.

Apparently, one persons joy could mean the end of the world for another.


  1. So a parent who does drugs and had NO contact with their child for 11 months should be able to parent that child? WRONG! If she would have worked her case plan she could have gotten her child back, SHE DID NOTHING! Did not attend one court hearing, NOTHING!
    Go talk your CPS bullshit somewhere else, and do not steal my blog posts!

  2. I didn't steal your blog post, I linked to you.

    And I do it all the time and will do so whenever somebody writes a blog post that my readers might find interesting.

    Good luck.

  3. Oh my, such foul language. Such an interesting sense of entitlement...

  4. Because I want the best for a child, I feel I'm entilited? However, a child is entilited to grow up in a home free from drugs and abuse.

  5. So your saying that a mother who does drugs throughout all 9 months of her pregnancy and gives birth to an underweight, drug addicted baby, should be able to walk out the doors of the hospital and should be entrusted to take this newborn to a meth house and raise it while she is doing drugs just because she gave BIRTH to this baby???? So who is suppose to feel this baby when she is so high that she can't even remember her name? Who is suppose to rock this baby to sleep while the "mom" is walking the streets prostituting for drugs? Do you really think this baby deserves a "mom" like that????? It's because of the "system" that children are given a second chance at life. Yes, there are cases where children are taken away against the mothers will, but who said the system was perfect? More than likely you won't approve this to be put on the blog but I don't care. The only person i want to read this is YOU!

  6. My, such dramatics. Great horror scenario.

    And of course I'll post your comment Karenda. Why wouldn't I?

  7. No horror, just REAL life!!!!!

  8. Is that what the nice social worker told you Karenda?

  9. Never talked to a social worker. Just witnessed it myself too many times at the hospital!!!! Have you ever seen a newborn baby shaking like it's having seizures and screaming to the top of its lungs because he is going through withdrawals from meth because his mother didn't care enough to quit while she was pregnant????? I HAVE. No social worker has to tell me what i've seen with my own eyes.

  10. Karenda sweetie, please don't get your panties in a bunch over this. And stop assuming that people around here are all for leaving children in dangerous situations.

    We're not.

  11. Well then don't down grade the people who are trying to help these children have a normal life by adopting them and LOVING them. Let them be. If you don't know all the details about a situation, you don't have to right to voice against the adoption. And yes I can get my panties in a bunch because this family has done nothing to YOU for you to try and put horrible thoughts in their heads. That's just wrong. I understand your blog and it's purpose, but it was a little far posting on an innocent bloggers page to ruin one of the most important days of their lives. Putting it on your blog is one thing but posting on her's, your just asking for friends to get their panties in a bunch. No more commenting. I've voiced my opinion.

  12. Well thank you for your opinion Karenda. But I do what I do to show my readers what those involved are thinking. It's nothing personal. If you don't want me to link to you, don't give me anything to work with.

    Anyway it was nice talking to you. I like your blog btw.
