Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SystemSuckOlogy 101: "Yes Chicken Little! The sky is falling!"

Child protection workers getting out

The Victorian Opposition says new figures show nearly a quarter of front-line child protection workers walked away from their jobs last year.

The Opposition says documents released under freedom of information laws show 231 workers left, with more than 40 per cent lasting less than 12 months.

Note: Ha! They think they're special because they can't keep babystealers on the job!

Some workers learn to get off on the power trip. Some sell their souls to the beast. Some just become indifferent to the pain and suffering that they cause. These are the ones who are in it for the long haul.

Most of them go into it with nothing but the best of intentions. Lots of them are good people who don't like their little taste of pure evil. That's why they get out so quickly.

Still with the constant crisis building done by the media distortion of the issues associated with child abuse and neglect, by making it appear worse then it actually is, by using the wrong set of data as a representative of child abuse and neglect rates such as the number of calls to the hotline vs the number of substantiated cases, etc, and the exploitation of the worst of the worst, creating a constant sense of paranoia to the point that when a baby cries, people are calling the hotline to report it, it's no wonder that so many of these people crack under pressure.

1 comment:

  1. Run, run, as fast as you can't catch me I'm the unaccountable, irresponsible, child-stealing, lying-to-the-court Child Welfare Scam. lol.
