Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CPS to hold townhall regarding Lubbock's welfare system

CPS to hold townhall regarding Lubbock's welfare system

Child Protective Services is asking for your input on how to even out the disproportionate number of African American youngsters in Lubbock's child welfare system.

Note: There are two ways to accomplish this goal of evening out the disproportionate numbers of African American children in the child welfare system.

1. Stop stealing so many African American children and start adopting more of them out. And Texas won the great race this year, so their on a roll.

2. Start stealing more white kids.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I think the cps in lubbok they should be invastigated again there opining cases from eleven years ago they walk all over poor people they think these people dont have rights they do i want our voices heard the cps does wrong placing a child from a good home and not no that the other is bad i the cps workers dont have any trainig of mental or phisical training they should no and learn two profile people
