Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Submitted by Ramona

New book DOCUMENTS the conspiracy (1998-2001) between City Attorneys' Office & Children Protective Services & S.F.P.D. to protect the firefighters' union (I.A.F.F. local #798) from our allegations of theft of U.S. mail & sabotage. What's worse than the crime? Everybody knows it's the cover-up, but what's worse than the cover-up? That's when those in charge of those who were looking the other way keep on climbing into ever-bigger seats of power.

Specifically, I refer to the two deputy city attorneys overseeing the three foul custody trials (and a futile, concurrent appeal all the way to the California Supremes) that forced us to remain here to file (and win a settlement) in San Francisco courts rather than have a real (FEDERAL) trial back home in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana Federal Courthouse, where we have family and land outside Lafayette, Louisiana. In charge of the deputy city attorneys who prosecuted child abuse/neglect were those two political bluebloods: Katherine Feinstein (1998-2000) now a judge and on the panel for Judicial Performance and recently voted 'Judge of the Year' by the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association and this week elected to be the presiding judge of the Superior Court of San Francisco (also the daughter of California's senior senator) and Kamala Harris (2000-2003) now the twice-elected D.A. and running hard for California Attorney General (also the former mistress of then-Mayor Willie Brown). Her brother-in-law, Tony West was recently hand-picked as assistant attorney general of the civil rights division of the Justice Department.

Nobody in America should be as afraid as I am, now in the moment I push the button for this and another 2500 emails. I am blowing up my quiet little world forever and I mourn that deeply, but the only way to expose corruption is to expose yourself. This is no 'he said, she said' story they can all side-step: I have documented almost four dozen pieces of terroristic threat, malice-in-law, perjury in court petitions, tampering, suppression, and manufacturing of documenting evidence that show our children were use as political pawns.

This manuscript is available only online in an instant-view format @ http://ramonamayon.com/ And I'd hurry if I were you, because 75% of that paper is marked confidential and comes with its own penal code. But it will be the D.A.'s office that has to file on it though...that's a conflict-of-interest even by San Francisco loose standards! If I get gagged, at least I can welcome the opportunity to argue in open court before full press that the City breached the judicial firewall - not I - because those with dirty hands cannot hide them behind the cloak of confidentiality.

Collected Letters from the Abyss
a selection of the legal, official & personal correspondence executed during a decade on the losing end of a prima facie case of municipal racketeering, a petty paper war that destroyed my motherhood, devastated my marriage, stole my beauty, savaged my nature, and made me the most hated woman buried under Willie Brown's City Hall. R.I.P. 1999

Greg & Ramona Mayon
750 La Playa #915
San Francisco California 94121

Thank you for a place like your site to be the platform for voices like mine. Here's to the hope that we can ALL be a beacon to the voiceless...which is 99% of those ensnared by CPS, America's very own Social Gestapo.

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