Monday, July 19, 2010

National group blasts R.I. DCYF for number of child removals

National group blasts R.I. DCYF for number of child removals

Rhode Island child welfare officials are more likely to remove children from their homes and place them in institutions than their counterparts in other states, according to a report released Tuesday by a national advocacy group.


  1. Thats the way they work here. The supervisor Lori is on a power high. The worker Melissa is the same as her boss. I had my grandchildren for 10 years. DCYF would noting to help me. One day they came to my house looking for my daughter, and found out my daughter never had the kids. The supervisor Lori got pissed because she looked like a fool and took the kids. Come to find out. The supervisor is related to my daughters boyfriends exgirlfrined. Judge D'Ambra don't care she wont listen to anything you have to say. Only what lies DCYF tell her. They take the well behaved children and keep them. I did fostercare once. All the workers I know tell me that this Lori and Melissa, along with Brandi are the worest workers they have. They say it.s a little ring and they do all kinds of rotten things. They use the same Psychologist for every case. From around 1985 the same Psychologist works for DCYF. Bet he's making a great deal of money on children. Rhode Island is dirty and they are using the children that come from poor homes to get ritch. Don't bring your children here or DCYF will take them. Rhode Islands new name is Rhode Islands Hitler. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM RHODE ISLAND DCYF. It don't matter if you have proof or not Judge D'Ambra wont listen to you. They look at children with $$$$$$ signs in their eyes. Even the child advocate for my grandchildren Isabella and Michael this Katez person gos along with the DCYF. No one listens to what you have to say. In their eyes your a low life, and they are Superior ones. Only they know how to care for children. The children that should be taken are not, only the good children that listen are taken. The Supervisor told me she took the kids because she did not like me. At court she even dyed her hair color. 2 years now I am still waiting to get my grandchildren back. She said she was going to make sure i NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN. Well they will turn 18 and they will come back home. Or soon as they can take a bus they will come back home.

    1. I agree i beleve DCYF pays off the judges and public defenders

    2. Maybe everyone should come together to protest against DCYF

    3. Yes they do I think something should b done

    4. Yes they do I think something should b done

    5. I would love if there was a lawyer who would stand up against these corrupt bullies. I've been and seen both sides of dcyf and it's ugly and not fair, not even close. D'Ambra and RI Dcyf need to be put in their place, this system is a sad legal way of kidnapping innocent children, destroying families and ruin lives. DCYF in Bristol needs to be investigated, they are corrupt and unethical. I would love nothing more than a amazing lawyer to stand up against these corrupt bullies and reunite families back together. I'm sick and tired of being bullied and threatened by these so called professional individuals.6/7/16

    6. Anonymous6:05 PM

      My sons girlfriend is in dcyf because of her mom, she had baby with my son, he never got chance to be a father , they gave him 1 week visits , drug test and counseling every week, he is 20 he never got a chance to be a dad, he loves his daughter so much, they just want to be a family, he has been doing all this for 5 months, she been doing all her services, worker saw picture on Facebook of them 3 together , went to her house last week and took her, she is so loved , healthy never abuse or neglected, mom has 1 week visitations , court in October, any advice a..this is not right at all

    7. I wish I could find a support group in Rhode island.i was removed by dcyf as a child and dcyf removed my kids also.i suffer from ptsd because of is messed up that there only goal should be reunification and it is not.i see my children suffer and are heading down the same path.dcyf needs to pay for the damaging of children and adults.

    8. Anonymous9:31 PM

      We dont even know why they took my grandaughter the whole story is messed up..same judge..2 years later foster parents adopt??? Tricked my son and kids mother to either open adoption or lose her???? ..didnt even offer drugs, no neglect..god damn clue less ....whole story is crazy..idk were to go from here ..they amazing son never in dcyf to do this to him..its crazy

  2. Rhode Island Child Money Making Ring

    Two years I have not seen my Grandchildren Isabella and Michael. Lucas the baby I seen him once in the hospital and twice after that. He is now 2 years old. All because of a supervisor that did not like me. Why because she could not throw her weight around. I will tell the world what you did. How you Edwards destroyed my grand children’s lives to get back at me, and the State Of Rhode Island is letting you do it. I called every State official and there is nothing they can do. DCYF is bigger than any one. No one cares what they do with the children. The so called Casa advocate, she has done nothing for my grand children. If someone took the time and looked at how many restraining orders I had for my grand children to keep them safe from their mother. 11 years I kept my grandson safe, and 10 years I kept my granddaughter safe. The DCYF workers telling me how well behaved my grandchildren are and so good in school. Well were the hell do you think they learned to be so well behaved kind loving, and good children. They learned it from myself and my husband. If you made them DCYF workers take camcorders with them out to the house they have to go to and turn it on. I bet 9 out of 10 children would not be taken out of the homes. People wake up. DCYF is in control. Edwards told me that when she came here she is in charge and I no longer have control of my home she is DCYF and she is in control now. I tried to tell her the judge gave me custody of my granddaughter and I was trying to get custody of my grandson. She said we don’t care about any judge we have judge Debbie she has our backs. Well judge Debbie is the same judge that would not give me a protection order because my husband did not pay taxes on his active duty military pay. She threw me out of her court room. Told me take my papers and get out. I refuse to give it to you. That’s not right military don’t pay their taxes. Do any of you in here think that’s right. Get out, get out and take your papers with you. I went into the advocate office there and told her what the judge did. She said Judge Desegna. I said yes. She sent me to another judge and that judge gave me the order. When it came time to go back to court, No one showed up, and that Judge Sheppard made up her own little box on the papers, not my jurisdiction. Well who the hell is it. Now I see what the DCYF supervisor was talking about judge Debbie got our backs. Next thing you know they kidnapped my grandchildren and they make the police help them do it. The police will tell you they see it’s wrong there cops, and there is nothing they can do even if they know the DCYF is in violation. DCYF can violate the law and get away with it. Not the police officer. If the police don’t help them they can get violated and go to jail. The supervisor assaulted me 3 times but that’s ok.

  3. Rhode Island Child Money Making Ring

    Two years I have not seen my Grandchildren Isabella and Michael. Lucas the baby I seen him once in the hospital and twice after that. He is now 2 years old. All because of a supervisor that did not like me. Why because she could not throw her weight around. I will tell the world what you did. How you Edwards destroyed my grand children’s lives to get back at me, and the State Of Rhode Island is letting you do it. I called every State official and there is nothing they can do. DCYF is bigger than any one. No one cares what they do with the children. The so called Casa advocate, she has done nothing for my grand children. If someone took the time and looked at how many restraining orders I had for my grand children to keep them safe from their mother. 11 years I kept my grandson safe, and 10 years I kept my granddaughter safe. The DCYF workers telling me how well behaved my grandchildren are and so good in school. Well were the hell do you think they learned to be so well behaved kind loving, and good children. They learned it from myself and my husband. If you made them DCYF workers take camcorders with them out to the house they have to go to and turn it on. I bet 9 out of 10 children would not be taken out of the homes. People wake up. DCYF is in control. Edwards told me that when she came here she is in charge and I no longer have control of my home she is DCYF and she is in control now. I tried to tell her the judge gave me custody of my granddaughter and I was trying to get custody of my grandson. She said we don’t care about any judge we have judge Debbie she has our backs. Well judge Debbie is the same judge that would not give me a protection order because my husband did not pay taxes on his active duty military pay. She threw me out of her court room. Told me take my papers and get out. I refuse to give it to you. That’s not right military don’t pay their taxes. Do any of you in here think that’s right. Get out, get out and take your papers with you. I went into the advocate office there and told her what the judge did. She said Judge Desegna. I said yes. She sent me to another judge and that judge gave me the order. When it came time to go back to court, No one showed up, and that Judge Sheppard made up her own little box on the papers, not my jurisdiction. Well who the hell is it. Now I see what the DCYF supervisor was talking about judge Debbie got our backs. Next thing you know they kidnapped my grandchildren and they make the police help them do it. The police will tell you they see it’s wrong there cops, and there is nothing they can do even if they know the DCYF is in violation. DCYF can violate the law and get away with it. Not the police officer. If the police don’t help them they can get violated and go to jail. The supervisor assaulted me 3 times but that’s ok.

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    It's Jan,23,2012. I don't have my grandchildren back. I found out they told my granddaugter I moved out out of my home , and moved out of state. Thats why I did not go visit her. Iy,s going on 4 years now and Sharon the Casa worker calls me in Nov to say Hows the visits when she knows dame well they did not let me see the kids for 3 years. Now the DCYF worker Brandi is telling me I can have visits. I can visit with my grandsons but they don't birng my granddaughter. Always an excuse why she isnot there. The foster parent wants legeal guardinship of my granddaughter. They brainwashed her. Now there taking her and doing all things she wants to do so she dont want to come home. You know you wont get this if you go home. Now the therepy with my grandson, a bunch of made up crap. My so called psych Dr. It just keeps gping on and on. They wanted nothing to do with my husband. Oh he,s not the natural grandfather. He has no say in this. Now all of a sudden we have watch him with your grandson. Funny Brandi told him he had his chance to meet her and refused to come in. So now he's not getting any visits with the kids. He was in Iraq he was activated. So how the hell could he be sitting in a parking lot and refuse to go meet her. She lies over and over and over. When is anyone going to do something about this. The only judge that would just retired. This is just a game that they play. All about controling people. Hitlers helpers.

  5. I to am having a issue with the DCYF office. It's been 2 years. My case involes teenage girl who came home late and got grounded. In return they went to school complaining I was abusing them. DCYF and 2 police officers came and removed my 2 girls (15 & 14) as well as my 13 year old son. I have done all the programs asked. As of today I still have a 1 hour visit every 2 weeks. April will make 2 years. I call my caseworker and get no where. I do have Bipolar1 which I do take medication for. I am stable but if I disagree with the caseworker or supervisor I'm considered unstable. Not sure where they got a mental health degree. My therapist whom I've seen for years can't believe this. He seems to think they are trying to disrupt my stability. He has spoke to them and has also got no where. The system isn't fair or right. Is there any groups or agencies that help people in our situation. This is horrible. RI is 2-3 times the national average on removal of children. Alabama and Illinios are the lowest. The believe in using funding to maintain the children in the home rather then removal. RI should take a look at those states. I told a caseworker I would take this to the state house and her words were "good luck".

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Rhode Island's DCYF has the worst rep in the country, they r an absolute joke.

  6. Anonymous1:05 AM

    These caseworkers....Judges...courts..are.all disgusting.and Heartless. Do not think that what they do to intentionaly harm families goes unpunished!! You just don't hear what happens in their personal miserable lives!! Karma

  7. Anonymous1:38 PM

    So True. What go's around comes around. Pay back is a bitch.

  8. Anonymous1:48 PM

    So True. What go's around comes around. Now my son died in a car accident trying to get papaers to help my daughter. She was in the hospital dying. My son died and my daughter died 6 days later. So my daughter who has 5 children now have no mother or uncle, and My son has 3 children who have no father now. Thank You DCYF for destroying my children and grandchildrens lives. They are placed with drug users, and people who don't care about them. They are placed all over RI and MA. All because of a ex- girlfriend who had a family member working in DCYF who wanted to get back at her ex's girlfiend. Rhode Islands Finest.

  9. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Please look at Dcyf Reform on facebook.

  10. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I have been calling for an independent oversight of all CANTS investigations, perferably by State Police or the Sheriffs Department since 1990. Being a ward of the state, until 1997, I can tell you, that they promise to return you home, to your parents, and then reneg. To make matters worse, they held my juvenile record against me until the age of 26, when their Hearing Officer, admitted that the Juvenile Charge was unfounded, and that the Chief Judge for the Rhode Island Family Court, ordered the Juvenile Record destroyed, as per the 1988 court order.

    There needs to be an oversight committee, either a Civilian Review Board, who investigates along side the CANTS investigators or a Law Enforcement Officer, to say, hey, they had good cause to remove the child at the time.

  11. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Now dcyf put a record on me saing I failed to protect my daughter . They did that so it would look bad on me and the foster family. Mr and Mrs Field could adopt my granddaughter. They lied to get her.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Anonymous2:40 AM

    I feel all of your pain. My children to were taken from me due to a medical condition of epilepsy which I am treated for. The courts lied and said if we(my husband and I) did a drug evaluation. ......even though this Wasn't drug related and marriage counseling, again not related, then our kids could home. They presented this to us during an evidence hearing that we were winning and being the fools we are believing what they said we signed off on our right to trial. They have yet to return our children home and have been nothing but rude, & condescending throughout this whole process. DCYF LIES ITS ALL ABOUT $$$ NOT YOUR CHILDREN. SUE THEM. IM GOING TO! FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS AS PARENTS YOU HAVE A LOT MORE THEN THEY LET YOU BELIEVE!!!

  14. Amy Dcyf Reform8:29 AM

    I have been fighting DCYF for 3 years now. I had to do alcohol and drug testing. That's been done for over 2 years. That's all that was asked. I had 1 hour supervised visits for a year and a half. I have been told since August 2012 my son would be coming home. Never happened. I was also told 4 other times he would be home most recently he would be here on January 11th, 2014. I have a recording on my facebook page with the worker stating that. Amy dcyf reform. This case has been a up down roller coaster ride. This system needs serious change.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      The dcyf attorney never knows whats going on ....went to court on friday the 7th and when i stood up to tell judge D'ambra how my son was doing at home ,,, i started out by saying that the department pu in a child support order back in dec. The same day i was in her court room even though a week later my son was returned home to me dcyf attorney said thats not true and i told D'ambra that the department is setting me up to fail by using my finances against me in her court room when i try to get back on my feet they knock me back down and. Take my money and D'ambra and dcyf attorney look at me like what does that have to do with anything when they made my finances part ofgetting my son back...D'ambra should just have a sign up that says we really dont care what you have to say..... i will not listen anyway or will i try to help you and your son because i use to be a dcyf attorney myself...... so i will always side with dcyf court in r.i just a money making scammmmm

  15. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Those that do work at the DCYF office have got paper trails of lies about everyone else so that they themselves never get into any trouble.
    They are abusing children into saying things about their family members that are not true while those collecting a check as "foster parents" and many a time social workers and even the Psych Dr's abuse those children severely.
    I've spoken to many people and it would appear that the mission of DCYF is to bust the spirit and use them like lab rats later or kill them.
    Yes, that spell Mafia and I'll tell you what else, they put parents and children in possessions to take the fall for their activities.
    It would also appear that the judges are owned by the Mafia.

  16. Anonymous6:19 PM

    We need some forces to help our children. Dcyf is just making a killing by hurting the small children and working for the Mafia.
    To this day they are still trying to force me to make the false claim that my father was some molester.
    Their attorneys are so owned by the Mafia they sit around an wait for the social workers to hand over one story lie after another.
    The DCYF workers tell the parents if they work they can't see their own children.
    The court ap attorney if you have any at all, will tell you to just claim a mental illness.

  17. Anonymous9:25 AM

    The bigger picture is why are all these people having children and can't take care of them???? Does anyone ever wonder about that? WHy are there so many "Grandparents" on here stating there grandkids were taken from them??? Where are the parents? Drugs? Jail? How about the woman who's had 7 children with 3 different fathers, all of which had to be taken into care because she's testing positive for drugs? Should the children stay in their care?

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      What about the mother who test clean for years and does everything on her service plan what about that? Actually the kids are alot better of with there parents when 2 infants die in foster home and 3 was molested because they were put in a child molesters home Dcyf is crooked just like your brain..

    2. Anonymous4:02 PM

      If the CHILD SERVICES were PUT THERE TO HANDLE THE UNFORTUNATE situations TO protect children,implement proper services and professionals. If these awful things weren't so COMMON,NO ONE WOULD NEED DCYf,IT IS COUNTPRODUCTIVE TO support anything less.THIS IS LIVESOF CHILDREN.IF SO MANY SUPPOSED RELIGIOUS TYPES Prefer an excess future childrenbeing pumped through acorrupt damaging process of disruption via the "state"& not WORRYing ABOUT CURRENT questionable action & INACTION FROM DCYF&MALtreatment, breaking up& Destroying LIVES...EVEN IF THEY GOT 500 CASES OF woman w/5 kid with five different DEAD BEAT DADS and junkies in a cult dancing naked with Charlie Manson ..IT DOES NOT JUSTIFY EVEN one investigation,dcyf has a PURPOSE,IF ONE
      COMPLAINT Out OF 24 IS LEGIT ITS THE FUNCTION/REASOn DCYFS EXISTs in the first place...INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS DEPT??? IF ONE LAW IS BROKE (OUT OF ALL THESE COMPLAINTS U BET Attorny WILL TAKE THIs as a case. EvidentlyMONEy motivates more than does hurt families w children. We need attornies PLEASe print help w any suggested useful ACTIONS others got results with some ATTORNy REFERRALS & WHERE TO GET Help How to recognize RIGHTS OF PARENTs/KIds WHAT one should do to rptect
      Kids self family from monster ghosts in machine(imbicile improperly paid andtrained not motivayey

  18. Anonymous9:29 AM

    To the person that wrote about foster parents taking a "check"..... you're insane. Do you know how much a foster parents gets for taking care of a child??? VERY little, most do it out of the goodness of there hearts, yes there may be some exceptions, but what we get for taking care of a baby I can spend buying a latte and coffee at starbucks. It doesn't come close to the cost of feeding, buying diapers, clothes, etc... not to mention the extras, like music class, swim lessons and toys. If you're even on DCYF's radar it's for a good reason 99% of the time.

  19. Some foster parents are paid quite well. You should sign up for the special needs kids and you'll get a raise.

    1. DCYF Foster Care Payments Average $729 Per Month

      Report Overlooked Large Sources of State Support for Foster Parents

      Patricia Martinez, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) today responded to a report that was recently issued by Children Rights and the National Foster Parents Association.

      The report claimed that Rhode Island's foster care payments are significantly lower than similar payments in Massachusetts and Connecticut. The report, however, neglected to account for several types of payments made by DCYF to foster parents. As a result, the average monthly payment to Rhode Island foster parents is actually closer to $729.39.

      “We all agree that foster parents should be compensated fairly,” Director Martinez said. “Foster parents have earned our praise and our gratitude for caring for many of Rhode Island’s most vulnerable children. They are the backbone of the child welfare system. The issue in the report, however, is in how to calculate what is included in that compensation. Financial support for foster parents goes beyond the standard foster board payment.”

      “Instead of including all types of state support for foster parents, the study relied solely on DCYF's standard board rate in determining Rhode Island's financial support to foster families,” Martinez said. “As a result, it seriously underestimates the amount of financial support that the state provides to foster care parents.”

      “For instance, the report incorrectly states (p. 15) that the standard board rate is intended to cover regular ongoing expenses such as clothing,” the Director said. “However, the department actually pays ongoing clothing allowances to all children in DCYF foster care totaling between $300 and $750 per year (in 3 installments), depending upon the age of the child. Inclusion of the clothing allowance increases DCYF's average board rate to $530 per month from $438.”

      “Additionally, DCYF reimburses foster parents for transportation costs for transporting children to medical and behavioral health appointments at $20 per visit on a per trip basis,” Martinez continued. “The department pays between $12 and $36.40 per day for day care and an average of $244.02 for respite care for children in foster care. Foster parents receive a holiday and birthday allowance each year to be spent on the children in the amount of $40 and $25 respectively. None of these payments were accounted for in the study. Adding all these supports to the average board rate brings the total monthly average to $729.39.”

      “The department needs more time to further analyze the data to make sure that other important sources of DCYF support have not been similarly overlooked,” Martinez concluded. “Nevertheless, as DCYF continues to transform the system, supports for foster families are an important part of the equation and part of the ongoing conversation with the Rhode Island Foster Parents Association.”

  20. As of April 14, 2015 my case has closed. It began April 11, 2011. It took 4 years. I personally would like to say nothing good comes from the family court system. It has become a failure. It's definitely not there to help you in anyway. It will drag the life out of you. In no way will it help your family. In the end it ends up costing your family in more ways then one. Don't ever trust them.EVER. The rules are made up as we go along. All the while everyone's profiting and the CHILD is suffering. Sad. There needs to be some major changes within our child welfare system. It's not working this way.... :(

    1. Anonymous10:58 PM

      How did u get them to close your case? Was your child in foster care


  22. Please join us on August 22, 2015 @10.
    One Dorrance Plaza
    Providence, RI 02903
    We are fight for the Parental Rights Ammendment.

  23. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I have a question, does DCYF legitimately have the right to remove a child from their home souly for not going to school? If they do not I need to know where I can get proof of it( ie. website, ect.) U can send info to my Ty

  24. Anonymous2:06 PM


  25. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Most likely your rights ARE being violated. Its known to be done often. No one is willing to help families in the state house. They turn a blind eye to it. My best advice for you is to network with others who've been there. They are excellent with tips and ideas. I can be found on DCYF REFORM page on Facebook. Feel free to PM me.

  26. We are a private investigation company and we work hard for the children . Unfortunately when DCYF swings the hammer you better not be in the way. The only thing you can do as parents or Guardians is hire a Private Investigator to prove your case with overwhelming evidence..

  27. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Dcyf is so crooked id love to see somebody take away there children and grill them about the 3 infant deaths in foster home and how 3 were molested because wonderful life savers dcyf put them with sex offenders . They say everything little thing parents dont do but what about the stuff they have done what about the clean urines one after another Does that looj like there protecting .

  28. Rhode Island has 45 missing children from care. Why in such a small state is no one looking for them? Ehy isn't there pictures being posted on the news, newspaper, ect.. since October 2015 4 children have died in foster care. 2 of which were in unlicensed homes. This is uncalled for. Our new governor was going to change DCYF around. That was a lie... The system is a failure to all involved. Your children/grandchildren are safer in the so called "abusive" home than in state care which is far more abusive.

  29. My case was foster care. It took 4 years to get my son home. My 2 daughters aged out. There is no way to get them off of you. Find support groups to help you threw the nightmare.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      What support groups? ?

  30. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I have a situation my granddaughters have been in DCYF care I have done everything to try and have them placed with me and now they want to adopt them out. I would like to protest in front of DCYF Would this be illegal? Broken hearted grandmother in RI

  31. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Broken hearted grandmother in RI

    1. I am very sorry for the pain this is causing. Fight and fight hard. There's numerous Facebook groups in regards to this. It has become a epidemic worldwide. Many aren't aware of the issue involving the department.

    2. I am very sorry for the pain this is causing. Fight and fight hard. There's numerous Facebook groups in regards to this. It has become a epidemic worldwide. Many aren't aware of the issue involving the department.

  32. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I had my 2 girls was taken away got them back in a month had a great lawyer who was a godsend. I found out i have an allegation i guess a title that is hanging over my head i tried to have it removed but was denied due to a 30 days expiration i did not know about this never received a letter to remove it. I only found out because i was moving to another state and a family member told me to make sure things were ok but they are not this happened in 2012 and they wont let me have a hearing. Who can i contact to have this off of me. Reason is my ex will use it against me in court i saw a message that he wants full custody for his 2 chidren my other 2 girls was from a previous relationship.

  33. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Am sorry but Dcyf MESSED with the wrong mom, a piece of shit landlord called and for my kids takend but he didn't tell them he caused the issue... am sorry but they messed with the wrong one I WILL BRING EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM DOWN EVEN IF IT KILLS ME. what they are doing is wron. I will continue to go to every media out there near and far.July 6,2016

    1. Please please, reach out to me...

      I have a federal case pending against dcyf and I may be able to help your situation. Provide insight none the least.

  34. I am starting a support group for all of the victims and a documentary is in the works. We all need each other. This is ridiculous.. If you're in need of tips, support or legal advice drop a line at

  35. They took my children had me work with them in reunification and all the service workers except one was against me she threatened me with a TPR so I had no choice but to willingly sign my two young girls over to the foster parents

    1. Angelica, please reach out to me... I had a very similar thing three years ago with my twins. And they just tried kidnapping my one month old, so I am suing them and I would like to hear your story if your willing to share. And join my class action lawsuit against them potentially... email me...

      Thank you. Hope to hear back soon.

  36. Anonymous3:43 AM

    What happens when you haven't been given a case plan? They say I WAS inconsistent but this happened june 2016 and no case plan still. I'm doing what I know I need to do with no case plan or help from my worker. I don't know my rights or parent advocate legal aid lawyer might as well stand on their side. Foster lady as worker calls her is a miss know it all cut my baby's hair without permission, he's had bad break ours. I'm being told as of now me having an apartment is what basically going to get me my baby back but no help with a deposit. I'm told he can sleep over and I can have him for next or before next court date in three months. I pray every night this worker isn't lying and playing with my head. My baby is my life and all I need. Them keeping him from me isn't helping him or me. I would never hurt my baby. He needs his mama's love, attention, and I need his love, his head on my shoulder, his laugh, I need my baby back!!!!!!

  37. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Where are the support groups? Where can I find them?

    1. Jasmine Williams2:30 PM

      did you find any please let me know
      I REALLY need help...

    2. I Emailed you. Please reach out to me...
      Thank you

  38. Demand a copy of your caseplan. If not from your worker call the supervisor. I would also recommend doing a email and cc it to all parties. The worker, worker's supervisor, the public defender (they dont tend to help you from my experiences do your own research and private investigation) and request a case plan. It will notify all that you haven't recieved one. There are support groups in Rhode Island. Dcyf Reform. Please contact them.

  39. DcyfReform12:16 PM

    Please go to under the RI section it will show you families in RI have no rights. Also, recently Govenor Gina Riamando vetoed a Grandparents Rights Bill. Kids Count RI has posted multiple articles stating RI's child welfare is one of the worse ranked states. Theres plenty of websites that give you the statistics.

  40. Jasmine Williams2:30 PM

    I am in agreement with you. I am actively seeking ti get my son back. DCYF was suppose to do everything in their will power to keep the child with thwe parent(S) or relative. I was incarcerated due to a couple bad checks I wrote and it came back to bite me in the butt at a very bad time;while my son was in their custody. instead of placing him with a family member or temporally with the family/home he was with until I was released which at that point was a short period of time. Instead they cam all the way to the jail and handed me papers telling me if I dnit sign them I would have no rights no contact, I guess terminating my rights, or sign and it'll be an open adoption. Puzzled, shocked, confused and filled with much more emtions I didn't know what to do... I wasn't given ANY advice what so ever. I just didn't want to lose my baby and after getting out they would not contact to see my baby I tried looking for him. they gave me the run around and everything... They really don't care. I was young it took a toll on me mentally in a very bad way. I shut down from the outside world and my family. it was hard I felt like I had no one to turn to. I am getting no help. I get ppl that are rude and nasty. the juvenile clerks. A bunch of miserable people with a title... I've been looking for ELIZABETH COLON... She got attached to my son and thinks that he's hers.

  41. How can dcyf take children from a home when there is no longer stipulations that the father can't see his son.... I just don't get it. They have all the rights to do ...say...write all they want. What has this world come to. I wish there was as lawyer in RI with some balls to take these criminals to court. They are the one neglecting our kids.... I hope Karma hits their familys harder than they are hitting mine.

  42. Why can these monsters take the children because a parent has had a past felony. No neglect.. stipulations has been done but the kids are gone. Why can this happen? These poor innocent kids are being abused mentally by dcyf and nothing can be done. What a shame. Where can a parent turn when a parent doesn't have the means to pay for a private lawyer?? Although you give birth to your children they are really not yours it seems like...they can be taken in a flash.

  43. My kids got tooken cuz I broke a popsicle stick at Bradley hospital than dcyf was called with with worst results added false statement that they removed my kids next day saying I'm unsafe and using that I'm mentally not stable cuz I'm on SSI and vision imparied I wish I had help I pray I try to get a lawyer today they just want money and trick me to sign papers and I don't understand them 4014990665

  44. My names luis and I'm going through the same thing now with my son he was taking from the hospital 3 days after being born he is my first and only child and I just recently lost a tpr and I have to go back to court to sign my rights away iv noticed how corrupt the system is iv done everything they've asked visits, counseling, drug test and more iv even tried getting them to agree on letting him go to my stepmom and there saying that I've never brought it up. There has to be something we can all do to get our children back even if it means posting In front of the court house and the dcyf building protesting till we get or kids back we need to get this all over the news so we can inform everyone else that's going through this so they can join us. I see it as we have them out numbered and they can't arrest us for protesting it's are right to fight for what we believe in. If you want to fight to get your kids back my number is 401-309-6412 we can not let this corrupt state take are children without actual proof that we are horrible parents. Let's fight for are children they disserve to grow up with there actually family and not some family that will make it so they never know who we are and miss treat them. We owe it to ourself and most importantly we owe it to or children. Again my number is 401-309-6412 let us fight for are kids

  45. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Well to be brutally honest at this stage of the game we should kill everybody that's a dcyf worker. Not joking at all. They should be cornered and killed and then all the parents who were wronged can have their kids. I was in their shit system. They destroyed everything I had. They're worse than Satan himself could ever be. They deserve to be paralyzed with fear, beaten lifeless!! Everyone should form a group hell bent to end their lives .They destroyed too many innocent lives, neglected too many kids. This. Is. Unforgivable!! The only way that I or anyone else could ever live in a fragment of peace is by punishing them. I am their monster for they played Frankenstein

  46. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Dcyf... will.. Suffer...
