Thursday, July 01, 2010

adoption disruptions

So this morning I wake up, check my newsreader, and I come across a post from one of my favorite caseworkers entitled, "adoption disruptions."

Now we all know how these bleeding hearts will lie to protect their fraudulent schemes, and this particular worker is so wrapped up in her job, that she won't even look at any other views except for bullshit she is trying to sell. So I left a comment on her blog, and since she refuses to publish my comments, I am forced to post it here.

BTW, I really don't care if she publishes my comments or not. People who are selling you a line of bullshit often refuse to consider oppositional views. It's normal. I understand and loose no sleep over it.

You leave out the fact that they push a lot of these kids into adoptive families in an effort to fluff the numbers, increase the revenues from the feds to the states, seal the records and hide all of the FRAUD that got the kids there in the first place.

Adoption is promoted in the media like a fairy tale where they all live happily ever after, so potential adoptive parents are preached the wrong message, they are also lied to by the workers, made false promises of aid in the future and whatever else it takes to get them to bite. There have even been cases where they have overlooked potential dangers to the children just to get them adopted out and call it a happy ending, just to make it all appear to be good.

Now, I realize that you won't publish this comment, so it will go on LK, but I honestly believe that deep down you are a good person who means well. Please start telling the truth to your readers. They deserve to hear it.

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