Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Program Helps Foster Care Kids Stay With Family

New Program Helps Foster Care Kids Stay With Family

When the Department of Child Protective Services decides its time to take a child out of an unsafe home and often times the child will be placed with a foster family. The state is putting together a plan to try to get those children with family instead of strangers.


  1. Hallelujah, Kincare i wish they would use this clause under the Public Law Guidelines in the UK.
    They are obligated to consider this, but as usual they disregard the former,and would rather split families up,and waste the taxpayers money, by paying foster carers up to £800 per child a week.

  2. Anonymous5:15 AM

    to Alison (PAIN dir.):
    In the US the states are mandated to do this by federal law, but here, just like in the UK they try to ignore it. It's too bad the law doesn't allow families to bring a lawsuit cutting off the agency's funding if they did follow the law. Then they'd be sure to follow it.
