Sunday, May 23, 2010

A 5-minute error, 25 years on child abuse list?

A 5-minute error, 25 years on child abuse list?

The 3-year-old girl was sitting alone on a playground swingset. A passing teacher knew something wasn't right. She stayed with her until a day care worker realized her error and rushed back outside.

It was a mistake that lasted five minutes. The little girl from Slingerlands, Caitlin, was never in danger.

Twenty months later, the College of Saint Rose honors student whose part-time job was to keep tabs on a group of toddlers at Albany's Cloverpatch Day Care Center has found herself trapped in an Orwellian vortex of government red tape. The fallout has turned her dream of becoming a teacher for children with special needs into a lingering torment.

1 comment:

  1. I came here to thank you for posting that comment about homosexuality and the Bible. I fear that in our zeal to be 'right' we may actually be making the 'wrong' even 'wronger.' The Bible is VERY clear about sins.Loving the sinner doesn't mean excusing the sin.Now I look forward to reading your blog :)
