Monday, March 29, 2010

CPS opponents jumping to conclusions about the murder suicide of Nancy Schaefer and her husband

CPS opponents jumping to conclusions about the murder suicide of Nancy Schaefer and her husband

The Gainesville Times has been covering the death of former Georgia State Senator and advocate for family rights and the reform of Child Protective Services, Nancy Schaefer.

1 comment:

  1. Honorable Senetor Nancy Schaefer was most likely murdered because she was reavling information about the "child pertection services" and the perpetrators in a video that was soon to be released. Do some research on Mrs. Schaefer's fight against CPS and what she had uncovered and revealed in interviews about the snatching of children, sexual abuse and the trafficing of innocent helpless children. God Bless you Mrs. Schaefer you did your part while here on earth, rest in peace.
