Friday, December 04, 2009

Child Protection Services

This idiots mommy works for CPS in Australia.

This is my take on CPS, Child Protection Services in Australia... or as they're known in Australia DOCS, Department of Community Services (in NSW and QLD) and HSV, Human Services Victoria (in Vic).

This isn't a comment specifically on Child Protection outside of Australia. It isn't claiming that those outside of Aus who say that CPS are bad, do so because they've neglected their children and had them removed... I'm ONLY commenting on child protection in Australia, and to those in Australia that claim that child protection is corrupt.

If you have comments, stories, information about child protection outside of Australia... please, let me know
The same idiot didn't like comments left on his YouTube channel.

I made a video a little while ago with my views on Child Protection Services... and I've gotten an interesting response in comments.

Please, take a minute to peruse the insanity of some of the anti-CPS crowd. I promise you it will be entertaining.

But my question to everyone watching this video...

If there is a clear case of child abuse or neglect at the hands of the parents, how should it be dealt with?
And here is a video response to this idiot.

And here's my video response to this. (that's my voice run through a sound editor BTW, shhhh.)



  1. Thank you for these videos showing the situation in Australia.

    Sometimes Human Services isn't much chop.

    There are a few things going on, like the backlog in case studies (CHILDREN) and how people don't have a particular worker that they can depend on.

  2. Hey, This bloke wouldn't have a clue. My child was taken from my care as a separated parent because DOCS claimed I had a criminal history. A history of protestations against cannabis laws. I owned cannibas cafes in King Cross. No Violence, No crimes against any person. My child was taken from me because a policeman told a inexperienced DOCS worker I was a bad person. Their assessments was that because I was a statue criminal I could not provide safe haven for my child.
