Friday, December 04, 2009

Attn: Parents and DCF Victims of Florida

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  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    this is unbelievable. My friend's children where taken away after a litmus test that was obviusly innaccurate came back positive for drugs. Took her to court without any representation and was told to keep her mouth shut. Never was able to explain the gamut of medications she was on after being hospitalized and on the couch incapacitaed for over a week just before the at home test was taken. No test strip indicator, no witness. Just hauled her kids off to temporary foster care! She had no reason to deny giving them a urine. She had nothing to hide. The Doctor told her that the air in the room can corrupt the results of thoise cheap tests. She Was baffled by the reults. They are not paying attention. Now the family is split up and she has to fight to get custody back. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR SOCIETY!Who has the right to be both judge and jury and punish an innocent family by tearing them apart?

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    As far as I am concerned, the Judge never listened to her side of the story, Is the Judge in violation of Administative code 2.330? If so, the case must be dropped and her children returned back intio her care. It seems to be very unconstitutional for someone to be in court without proper representation and there was no one to plead her case. It seems illegal to me. Can someone hepl this woman, her rights have been violates as a mother.
