Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Teen Calls 911 After Parents Take Away Xbox

Teen Calls 911 After Parents Take Away Xbox

An Illinois teenager alerted authorities when his parents did the unthinkable -- they took away his Microsoft Xbox 360.


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Wow that definitely sounds like a case of abuse,lol.It's sickening the power our teenagers now have to do what they want and parents are supposedly the big bad abusers.

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    You know me, I've got to put my 2 cents worth in here. I guarantee you that if MY child had pulled a stunt like that, then there would have been a real 911 call being placed. No, I would not have beat them or even laid a hand on them but that X-box would have been splintered after that. So if they were gonna bitch about me just taking it away, I can only imagine what they would have done if I had destroyed it.

    Kids have way too much power in the home these days. They are told to call CPS if they don't like what their parents do to them. I do not advocate nor condone beating a child. However, a spanking never hurt anybody. Though I didn't use that form of discipline on my children, they now tell me that I should have, that on many, many occasions that's what they deserved. But with CPS as corrupt as it is now, and the unnecessary removals of children, parents are terrified to discipline their children and I don't blame them. The bad thing about it is, these spoiled rotten brats who have no idea how to behave are the next generation to be running this country. Is that what we want and need?

    This generation is a "what's in it for me," generation. They don't know what charity, compassion and empathy really is. They're not disciplined and have little to no self-control. I'm tired of parents not having authority to tell their children what to do without fear of CPS getting involved in their lives. Unfortunately, it's a real threat.
