Monday, November 02, 2009

Do We Have To Buy Our Foster Kid A Birthday Present? Or Have A Party?

Do We Have To Buy Our Foster Kid A Birthday Present? Or Have A Party?

Our foster kid turns 9 next week and she keeps telling us stuff she wants for her birthday.Also she keeps asking for a party.I thought you didn’t have to give foster kids this stuff?We buy her clothes and food and all seriously how much money do they think we should spend on her?


  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Oh, I had to leave a real nice comment and it's awaiting moderation. This is horrible.

  2. I left a good one also and its awaiting moderation. I also sent this article all over the state of NH. DCYF and the Governor included. I'm PISSED!

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Leesa, you need to post your Virginia story on here. I wish I knew where this woman lived. How dare she even ask that question. She gives BAD foster parents a bad name. I feel sooooo sorry for this child. I'd send her presents if I knew where to send them. This breaks my heart. I'd give my life to give MY baby a birthday party and this bitch is moaning and pissing about it. Someone commented they'd beat her ass if they were in person and honestly, I feel the same way. I'd punch her in the eye and gladly go to jail for it. Stupid cow!

  4. Anonymous5:13 PM

    No, you don't have to buy your foster "kid" birthday presents or have a party or do anything decent or loving for the "foster kid." You don't have to kiss "the kid" goodnight or comfort "the kid" in any way - you will have the full support of CPS almost no matter what you do or don't do. Short of death, the worse thing that can happen to the "kid" has already happened, the "kid" was taken away from his real parents and put into your "care." I cannot wait for the day when CPS and foster parents like you disappear from the face of the earth, you grossly inhumane poor excuse for a human being!
