Sunday, November 22, 2009

CANADA COURT WATCH- Children’s Aid Society Information Meeting In Owen Sound A Success!Protect Your Family With Knowledge! Rally Planned

CANADA COURT WATCH- Children’s Aid Society Information Meeting In Owen Sound A Success!Protect Your Family With Knowledge! Rally Planned

Thursday Nov. 19, 2009 in the basement of the Knox United Church in Owen Sound about two dozen people met to hear a community information presentation by Canada Court Watch (CCW). The main focus of discussion focused around how people can protect themselves from the parasitic practices of the Children’s Aid Society (CAS). The presenter Vernon Beck of Oakville, Ontario who has been with CCW since the mid nineties made it very clear from the get go that many actions by CAS societies across Ontario are legitimate– but more often then not the best interests of the children and families affected by their actions and policies are not being protected and many are fraudulent and simply harassing in nature.


  1. This seems almost unbelievable. Thank you for the link. How can this even be possible, are there no means to stop this organization legally?


  2. You can show your support for Bill 93 (formally Bill 88) which is to have the Ombudsman of Ontario oversee the CAS. So far, eight provinces already have this oversight from their provincial Ombudsman.. To date, the Bill has made it through it's first reading and is awaiting second reading.

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    my family has been harassed by CAS for about three years we were wrongly taken from my family, i just learned that when we (my sister and brothers and i) were taken from my mom without a court order or anything. I also just learned that if i have contact with my mom (like through a cell phone) then they will come into where i am staying right now while i am sleeping and move me to the other side of the country (canada). right now my lawyer is doing nothing to get me home, i am involved with ca (children's advocacy) who are looking into my case. my mom doesn't even have a lawyer and cas and other people involved in the case against us are spinning lies to try and make my mom homeless and poor. my sister will be going to college soon and my brothers must live with the man who put us in foster care. so far they are sucessful and we are loosing but there is much new info that i have lerned that will exponentialy help us. i am going to expose these ba*****s so that they will never be able to harm us again.
