Saturday, October 03, 2009

NY Couple Victim Of Multistate Adoption Scam

An attorney who claimed his own experience as an adopted child motivated him to help people seeking to start families is suspected of running a Ponzi-like scheme that ripped off couples from New York to Texas, promising kids that didn't exist.


  1. Are we supposed to feel sorry for these people? If they actually cared about the children and their mothers they would give financial and emotional support so the woman could raise her own child instead of having them steal it from her straight after it's birth. how can anyone thing that paying for a child is remotely ethical, or humane?

    These people are not victims of adoption the mothers and children who get separated are

  2. The lawyer involved in this skam could never even have gotten his first sucker to pay up if there wasn't this kind of garbage going on across the Country for real.

    Florida got paid over 9 million this year for last years baby selling.

    Texas raked in over 5 million from the Fed's for selling their kids to the highest bidder.

    No child should be adopted out without full disclosure about that child's circumstances being FULLY disclosed by CPS and CASA.

    When a child is removed from his parents because they are too poor to hire a real lawyer to keep their children, then that child should not be placed up for sale on the auction block.
