Sunday, October 04, 2009

Grandparents against CPS

Grandparents against CPS

I am a grandmother from Pennsylvania who is fighting CPS in AZ....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    My heart goes out to this grandmother in Pennsylvania fighting CPS in AZ.
    A social worker in AZ processed an adoption evaluation on my grandchildren in 2006 on which the information she submitted to the court was never verified. My grandchildren were adopted out without notification to me the De Facto parent appointed by the court.
    CPS will manipulate a case to make as much money as they can with the children once they are in the system. Had the information on the adoption evaluation of the step grandmother been verified they would have found that she was not suitable to take my grandchildren. The step-grandmother is now battling cirrhosis of the liver, which is terminal, and she has turned my granddaughters' life into a life of servitude. The last picture of my 10 year old granddaughter shows up as skin and bones. Meanwhile the step-grandmother's 28 year old alcoholic son is maltreating my grandchildren, and they are getting paid for it. Fortunately one of the children had the smarts to run away. I suppose that the sooner the rest of them run away the better for them.
