Friday, October 02, 2009

Child Protective Services often targets homeschoolers as HuffPo blogger Lee Stranahan discovers

Child Protective Services often targets homeschoolers as HuffPo blogger Lee Stranahan discovers

When Child Protective Services intruded into my family's life, we were homeschooling our daughter. While homeschooling was not the reason why CPS got involved in our lives, it clearly played a role. In many of the documents that I obtained during the time Child Protective services was waterboarding our family, I found numerous references to homeschooling, none of them in a positive light. I have reason to believe that CPS would have bowed out of our lives earlier if our child had been attending public schools.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Huff Po blogger is just noticing this? has been in business for many years.

    Organization ( attorney sponsored ) to lobby, represent and defend interests of homeschoolers.
