Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Baby Taken Away From Mother Because She Can't Speak English

Baby Taken Away From Mother Because She Can't Speak English

The Mississippi Department of Human Services (DHS) recently ruled that a woman was an unfit mother because she can't speak English. The DHS declared that the inability to speak English, "placed her unborn child in danger and will place the baby in danger in the future."

1 comment:

  1. It just shows how low the CPS will go to get their hands on our Children?
    They are still using theories that was disclaimed well over ten years ago, to gratify LA Adoption targets.
    A Paediatrician has labeled one of my Clients with MSBP, without seeing the Mother or Children involved.
    This Professional is not properly qualified to make such a diagnosis.
    Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice.
