Monday, August 03, 2009

Lack of guardians leaves abused children at risk

Lack of guardians leaves abused children at risk

Hundreds of vulnerable and abused children have been left without proper protection because of a shortage of experienced guardians, according to official figures.

1 comment:

  1. Not a surprise, Cafcass are failing, by as much as 75%, within the East and West Midlands,and many other parts of the UK.
    There is a waiting list for these profeshionals,with the increase of Care Proceedings.
    Guardians are supposed, to become involved, within a week, of a Case being involved, in the Family Court arena.
    Not only, will it leave Children, at risk,of abuse, or death, it will leave innocent Parents,apart from their beloved Children, a lot longer.
    Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice.
