Sunday, August 16, 2009

CPS under fire in death of Emma Thompson

CPS under fire in death of Emma Thompson

The death of 4-year-old Emma Thompson has enraged the Houston community. According to news reports, Emma's mother ignored the abuse of her own child, denied it to the authorities and attempted to hide it by super-gluing her baby's skull together. This “gifted nurse” claimed Emma's injuries were self-inflicted and that she had contracted genital herpes from a dirty toilet seat. Neighbors and others who suspected abuse should have notified the authorities, something required of all Texans over the age of 18. But, judging by their comments on the story on the Houston Chronicle's Web site, Houstonians have reserved their strongest criticism for Child Protective Services. The agency, which was fully aware that Emma had contracted a sexually transmitted disease, failed to remove her from the home.

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