Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Marcus Fiesel Story

Marcus is gone but his story can save many children...


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I do not know who you are. I can tell you I am one of the investicgators on this case. Some very important facts are left out and there are some misconstrued. There is alot more to this story and his mother should have never lost her children!

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    thank you for sharing that.
    my cousin is innocent of any wrong doing
    but he is losing his daughter due to DCFS - the social workers are so bad. I suppose our story would be not unusual to you - and I cannot describe how frustrating it is (what an understatement!)

    I think the system is so completely out of control. honestly.

    Can't you expose the way they tend to want to find parents guilty? Is there anyone trying to find that the abuse referrals are wrong?

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    How is it that Lifeway for Youth can simply change their name to Benchmark and continue to operate? They failed to supervise the foster parents but they just moved states and continue to provide the same shabby services in KY

  4. Rozlin3:59 AM

    I am planning to compile a page of testimonies of victims of children services and associated agencies. I too was in foster care in butler county and was grossly neglected (at best) I ran away shortly before Marcus' death and honestly felt his story was the reason they did not even try to find me. I had attempted to contact reporters before then and was hindered by case workers... I lit a candle every night for Marcus many nights since... My hotmail is or you may find me on facebook under Rozlin Draven. I will post a link to the testimonial page soon
