Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Lawmakers Blast Dad Who Dumped Nine Kids in Nebraska and Now Expects Twins

Lawmakers Blast Dad Who Dumped Nine Kids in Nebraska and Now Expects Twins

The Nebraska man who abandoned his nine children last year under the state's Safe Haven law and whose girlfriend is now expecting twins is "clearly troubled" and brings a "black eye" to the state, local lawmakers told FOXNews.com.
The state paid an average of $725 per month per child to foster parents in similar situations, she said.

Note: Hey D!!! Did you see this? Beats your $250 a month.


  1. holy crap, IF I did it for the money (which our county is now out of for foster parents) I would totally move. Really hard for me to believe people get that much money. Good thing I'm not in it for the money. I'll just have to keep picking up extra shifts at the hospital.

  2. Yeah, we know. You want the kids huh.

  3. No thanks, I have my own.

  4. Your own kids, or your own somebody else's kids?

  5. NO, they are mine. Just ask them.
    I take care of medically fragile babies whose parents leave them in the hospital with no intent of taking them home.(99% are hard core drug addicts) No one takes these childen, they are left by the parents of their own free will.
    There appears to be more circumstances then you are willing to consider.

  6. D >> "I take care of medically fragile babies whose parents leave them in the hospital with no intent of taking them home."

    Your blog suggests otherwise.
